Hwasa pulled Whee-In behind the wall when Moonbyul and Solar stopped in front of room 333. She glanced out carefully, making sure she and Whee-In were well hidden. Moonbyul's gentle expression; her blushing face; her slightly nervous gestured did not go unnoticed. Hwasa giggled with delight as she watched. As for Whee-In, she was still thinking about her abandoned food. She sighed sullenly, wishing she had taken a few more bites before she was forced to part ways with it.
Once Solar headed for her room, Hwasa took a step out of her hiding spot. She stopped when she noticed the angry woman from earlier, who had just came from behind the door leading to the staircase. Park Young-Sun's fists were clenched tightly as she looked in Solar's direction. From where Hwasa was standing, Park Young-Sun's face was partially obscured to her. However, she could still tell how angry Park Young-Sun was. It didn't took long for Park Young-Sun to head toward Moonbyul's room. 'Who is she?' Hwasa raised an eyebrow. Park Young-Sun stood in front of the door and glanced around. Hwasa ducked back into her hiding spot and stopped Whee-In from leaving as well.
"What's wrong?" Whee-In looked curiously at Hwasa.
"Shh~" She pointed down the hall.
They observed Park Young-Sun, wondering what she was doing in front of Moonbyul's room. Her brow was still furrowed, her fists still clenched, and a slight twitched was apparent just above her lips. She was mumbling something as she pinched the back of her hand. After a few moments, she closed her eyes. Based on how she was breathing, it seemed as though she was trying to calm herself. It wasn't long before a smile was spreading across her face. She opened her eyes and peeked inside the room, before letting herself in without knocking.
"That's weird. I've never seen her before," Whee-In commented. "Do you know her?"
"No," Hwasa shook her head, "but I've seen her around here few times already. She was in the courtyard earlier, also looking very angry."
"Do you think she's one of Moonbyul's friends?"
"I'm not sure. Moonbyul never talked about her before."
"Come, let's take a closer look," Whee-In nudged.
They approached slowly and took a peek inside Moonbyul's room. Moonbyul was nowhere to be found, but the woman had made herself comfortable. She was sitting on the chair, biting her nails, and glaring down at her feet. The happy demeanor she had before entering the room was gone, and her anger was in control once more.
"What do you think she wants?" Hwasa whispered.
"I don't know." Whee-in shook her head. "But she doesn't seem that friendly. Her mood changes way too quickly."
"Should we go in?"
"Is that's a good idea?"
Before they could finish their discussion, Moonbyul came out from the shower. They could tell she was taken aback by Park Young-Sun's presence and took a moment to compose herself. She sat on her bed and spoke as she dried her hair with a towel. Once Park Young-Sun noticed Moonbyul, she was suddenly cheerful once more. Their conversation went on for a few minutes before Park Young-Sun's outburst.
"Please stop!" she screamed.
"What was that?" Hwasa raised an eyebrow and Whee-In shrugged.
"What do you think they're talking about?"
"I don't know, but it seems kind of tense."
"It makes me all the more curious."
"Me too. Just who is she?"
Just as Hwasa finished her question, Park Young-Sun got up from her seat and sat next to Moonbyul. Upon witnessing them linking arm and her head being placed on Moonbyul's shoulder, Hwasa wanted to kick down the door. She would have, if Whee-In didn't pull her back.
"Why did you stop me?"
"Don't be hasty!" Whee-In exclaimed. "I hate it as much as you do, but we shouldn't cause anymore misunderstandings. Moonbyul don't remember us, or have you forgotten?"
"But—that woman, she's—"
"No buts," Whee-In said sternly, "you go tell Solar unnie. I'll keep an eye on them."
"Why don't you go?"
"Because you're too hotheaded."
Hwasa wanted to protest but Whee-In silence her by placing her finger on Hwasa's lips. She motioned her head in a commanding manner, telling Hwasa to go. Hwasa sighed and accepted her fate. She marched down the hall to find Solar. Whee-In peeked back in through the glass panel on the door and continued to spy on them.
It wasn't long before Park Young-Sun got up to leave. Whee-In panicked and sat at a nearby seat with some conveniently placed magazines. She buried her face into one, trying to blend into the background, remaining inconspicuous as she monitored her target. Her eyes followed Park Young-Sun as she angrily stomped by.
Solar was hugging her pillow and giggling to herself when Hwasa charged in screaming, "Unnie!"
Solar jumped from her bed, startled; looking as if she had been enjoying a guilty pleasure and was trying to find a way to hide it. "H—Hwasa? W—what's wrong?" She laughed nervously as though she was trying to catch her breath.
"There's a woman in Moonbyul's room! She's all over Moonbyul!" Hwasa emphasized. "Whee-In is keeping an eye on them. We should hurry!"
"What!? How dare she!?" They stormed out the room.
Park Young-Sun was walking away in the other direction when they got to the hallway. Whee-In put down the magazine when she saw Solar and Hwasa. She got up and they ran to her.
"What happened!?" Solar demanded as she clenched Whee-In's shoulders.
"N—nothing," Whee-In shook her head, "all she did was she placed her head on Moonbyul's shoulder and—"
Before Whee-In could finish, Solar had already ran off to Moonbyul's room. She looked in Park Young-Sun's direction as Park Young-Sun was turning the corner. She could have sworn she saw Park Young-Sun glaring back at her. After that brief exchanged, she glanced into Moonbyul's room. Moonbyul was sprawled out on her bed. Her eyes were closed. She was resting her left arm on her forehead.
Solar took a deep breath and knocked quietly before she entered. The door slightly squeaked, causing her to freeze in place. 'She must've heard that noise.' She looked over at Moonbyul, who hadn't moved an inch. 'I guess not. Lucky me.' She smiled happily, feeling relieved.
She turned and chased Hwasa and Whee-In away, closing the door behind her. 'Alright, time to up my game.' She dashed forward and jumped onto the bed. She was caught by surprise when Moonbyul fell off upon seeing her. 'That wasn't the response I was hoping for.'
"Am I that scary?" She leaned over and teased Moonbyul.
The nervous Moonbyul made Solar wants to tease her even more. When Moonbyul stood up and stared at her, she looked into Moonbyul's eyes and leaned in closer. Moonbyul fell back onto the chair behind her. 'She's too cute,' Solar smiled mischievously.
"D—don't come any closer," Moonbyul said nervously.
Solar wrapped her arms around Moonbyul and lifted her chin until they were gazing into each others eyes. "What's wrong? Afraid that I'll bite?" she spoke in a sweet voice.
Moonbyul could feel her heart beating uncontrollably, "w—what do you want?"
"What a silly question," Solar whispered with a smile. "It's simple. I want to sleep with you."
Solar leaned in a little closer as she glanced down at Moonbyul's lips. Moonbyul was enchanted for a moment but quickly escaped to her feet. 'This—this crazy woman! What's she doing!?' Moonbyul tried to calm her racing heart. 'We're moving way too fast! Wait, what am I thinking!?' She sighed, feeling it difficulty to compose herself.
"How does that sound?" Solar whispered sweetly into her ear.
Moonbyul thought her heart was going to leap out of her chest when Solar's breath brushed past her ear. She jumped and backed away, but her attempt to escape was short lived. She looked down to see that her bed was blocking her path. When she turned around to face Solar, Solar's lips were only a few inches away. 'What—what should I do?'
Solar slid her hand up Moonbyul's shoulder and pushed her down onto bed. Moonbyul looked up from where she sat, her hands gripping onto the linen. She swallowed as Solar loomed over her. When Solar leaned forward, she would leaned back. It continued until she was lying flat on her back. Solar was on top of her, pinning her in place. She ran her fingers through Moonbyul's hair as she gazed into Moonbyul's eyes.
Moonbyul was at Solar's mercy. 'What—what is she doing to me? Why can't I fight back?' Her mind went blank as she stared at Solar's lips. She traced the outline of Moonbyul's face with her fingers, gently caressing it. She rubbed Moonbyul's lips and moved in closer. Moonbyul closed her eyes and Solar smiled. She gave Moonbyul a kiss on the cheek and climbed off.
"You're so fun to tease," Solar almost sounded serious.
"Wh—what!?" She sat up quickly, her heart still hadn't calm down.
"I came by to see if you need help packing. You're getting discharge tomorrow, right?" Solar scanned the room to see if there were any items left behind by the other woman.
"I—uh—I—" Moonbyul was still trying to wrap her head around what had just occurred. She didn't notice what Solar was up to.
"Then, it's settle," she announced. "I'll come back tomorrow to help you."
"What?" She looked at Solar, unable to process what Solar was saying.
"See you then."
When Solar left the room, Moonbyul was still in a daze. She sat there for a while until she could finally grasp what was happening. 'What did I just agree to?' She shook her head in disbelieve and sighed. 'Did I just let her decide without protesting?' She plopped onto her bed and buried her face in her hand. The image of Solar's lips entered her mind. 'I—I—what am I thinking about!? What has she done to me!?' She squeezed her pillow.
Whee-In and Hwasa eagerly approached Solar when she came out from Moonbyul's room. Their eyes were glimmering with expectations; their faces filled with questions; the only one who could satiate their curiosity was Solar. At least, they were looking at her to fulfill it.
"Unnie!" Whee-In yelped. "Why did you let such a good opportunity go like that!?" She exaggerated her hands gesture.
Hwasa nodded in agreement. She was as impatient as Whee-In.
"What do you mean?" Solar raised an eyebrow.
"The kiss! The kiss!" Hwasa wanted to scream. "Why wasn't it on the lips!? It was so ripe for the plucking!"
"Bad girls, peeking like that," Solar scolded.
"No buts!" Solar patted their heads and sighed. "Don't worry," she smiled, "I know what I'm doing."
"If you say so—" they pouted.
"Don't feel down. I have a mission for you guys."
"What is it!? What is it!?" Whee-In said excitedly.
"Does it have to do with Moonbyul?" Hwasa perked up.
Solar nodded. "Tomorrow, I want you to bring pictures and my stack of heart shape letters Byul-Yi gave me."
Hwasa rubbed her chin for a moment. "Do you mean the ones that you cut out from those chocolate boxes? I think they're tie together by a red string?"
"Yes, that's it!" Solar confirmed.
"What about sexy clothes?" Whee-In smiled mischievously. "Want us to pack any?" She raised her brow suggestively.
"Whee-In!" Solar pretended to be shock and nodded with a big grin on her face.
"We know what to do," Hwasa and Whee-In nudged each other happily.
"I also need an extra phone," Solar added.
"Yes, ma'am!" Hwasa saluted.
"Leave it to us!" Whee-In tapped her chest confidently.
"You two are the best," Solar gave them a hug. "Now, off you go. Goodnight, you two."
"Goodnight unnie!" Hwasa pulled Whee-In along before she had a chance to speak.
"Goodnight!" Whee-In screamed and waved as she ran.
Solar watched them until they disappeared around the corner. She glanced into Moonbyul's room and giggled when she saw what Moonbyul was up to. Moonbyul was sprawled out on the bed. She was squeezing the pillow tightly as she pressed her face against it. After watching Moonbyul for a while, she headed back to her room.
The next day, Solar got up early and packed her bag. Once she was done, she sat down to wait for Hwasa and Whee-In. 'I hope they get here soon.' She was happily reminiscing about the night before, 'she was so cute when I was teasing her. I really wanted to kiss her.' The thought made her so excited, she grabbed the pillow and screamed into it. She hugged it afterward, giggling uncontrollably.
Whee-In and Hwasa was already outside of Solar's room. They didn't enter right away and watched as Solar screamed into her pillow. They were glad that she was happy again. After waiting for a few more minutes, they knocked and Solar invited them in. They handed her the items she'd asked for. She messed with the phone for a while before going to find Moonbyul. Hwasa and Whee-In went with her.
They headed to Moonbyul's room and knocked, but no one answered. They let themselves in, but Moonbyul was nowhere to be seen. 'I wonder where she went?' Solar thought as she looked around. She noticed the partly pack bag sitting on the bed. 'I should finish packing for her.' She smiled mischievously as she hid the phone at the bottom of the bag. This should surprise her.
Whee-In and Hwasa helped Solar by gathering Moonbyul's clothes, folding them, and stacking them next to the bag. 'Well, I think that's everything.' Solar looked around the room, making sure that she did indeed get everything. They had finish packing for a while now, but Moonbyul still hadn't return. 'Where is she?' Solar was getting a bit impatient.
They went out of the room and looked around. Whee-In and Hwasa each walk down one side of the hall but there was no sign of Moonbyul. They turned towards Solar and shook their heads. 'Where could she be?' Solar wondered as she looked out the window and down to the courtyard below. And there, playing with a kid on the field was the person she'd been searching all morning for. She took a closer look at the child, 'isn't he that kid from before? The one calling her Appa?' She pondered for a moment. 'Why does he call her Appa?'
It didn't take long before Solar recalled the existence of another woman. 'She must be nearby.' She searched the field for Park Young-Sun. 'There she is. What was her name again? Did she ever say?' She racked her brain but came up with blanks. 'It matters not.' She took off in the direction of Moonbyul, gripping the photos and letters tightly in her hands. Hwasa and Whee-In ran after her.
When Solar got to the courtyard, Moonbyul was still playing with the child. Moonbyul's smile brought joy into Solar's heart. She cheerfully approached Moonbyul. She had almost reached Moonbyul when Park Young-Sun came out of nowhere to block her path. Solar was taken aback, 'I totally forgot about her.' She tried to get around Park Young-Sun, but she stepped in front of Solar again. She looked at Park Young-Sun and furrowed her brow.
"Excuse me?" Solar tried to be polite, but Park Young-Sun stayed silent. "Hello?" She spoke again but got the same result. She sighed and tried to walk past, but Park Young-Sun stopped her once more. "Can I help you?" Solar asked impatiently.
Park Young-Sun gave no response. She glared at Solar, looking angry but nervous. Every few second, she would take a quick glance behind her as if she was afraid of something. She was also gripping tightly onto her pants, a slight sweat stained was apparent underneath her hands.
Solar bit the corner of her bottom lip and sighed irritably. "I don't know what you want, but I have something to do right now," she tried to reason with Park Young-Sun, but Park Young-Sun refused to cooperate. "It's a big field, so stop getting in my way!" she spoke bluntly.
When Solar tried to force her way through, Park Young-Sun panicked and shoved her. Hwasa and Whee-In caught her before she fell.
"Unnie, are you okay?" Whee-In and Hwasa questioned concernedly.
"Yes," Solar nodded.
Hwasa stormed up to Park Young-Sun and pushed her back. "What's wrong with you!?" she raised her voice. "What do you want!?"
"Hwasa!" Solar called.
"Hey I'm talking to you!" Hwasa yelled, but Park Young-Sun still wouldn't talk.
"Hwasa!" Solar grabbed her arm to stop her from doing anything reckless.
"Unnie!" Hwasa protested, turning her head towards Solar.
The commotion caught Moonbyul's attention. Park Young-Sun noticed that Moonbyul had turn in her direction and purposely bumped into Hwasa's arm. She fell and scrapped her palm. Solar, Hwasa, and Whee-In were caught by surprised.
"What just—" Whee-In was trying to wrap her head around the incident.
Hwasa knew what she wanted to ask, "I don't know."
They were still in a daze when Moonbyul reached them. "What's wrong with you guys?" she asked angrily and helped Park Young-Sun up.
"It's not—I didn't—" Hwasa tried to explain. "She fell by herself."
"How could you say that after what you did?" Moonbyul questioned.
"It's really not what it looks like," Solar held Moonbyul's arm, hoping she would turn around and listen to their explanation.
"If that's not it, then what!?" Moonbyul yanked her arm away.
The red string that was tying Solar's love letters together got caught on the buttons of Moonbyul's sleeve and snapped. Over 200 items scattered into the air, including the pictures in Solar's hands. She looked at Moonbyul in disbelieved. A sharp pain pierced her heart and tears fell from her eyes. Without thinking, she raised her hand and slapped Moonbyul.