All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two

Jake is sitting in a campsite with a fire burning he is dozing off, but awakes suddenly to see the Yellow Eyed Demon standing in front of him and the YED says "Howdy, Jake." Jake says " I'm—I'm dreaming, aren't I?" YED says to himself " I got a genius on my hands well congratulations, Jake. You're it—last man standing. The American Idol I have to admit, you weren't the horse I was bettin' on, but still, I gotta give it to you." Jake says "Go... to hell." YED says "Been there, Done that." Jake says " Everything you put me through—dragging me to that place, making me kill those people..." YED says "All part of the beauty pageant. Jake, I needed the strongest, and that's you." Jake asks "Needed me for what?" YED says "Oh, I got a laundry list of tasty things for you." Jake says "The only thing I'm gonna do is wake up, hunt you down, and kill you myself." YED says " You know, others have tried It's not easy and trust me Jake You want to be a good little soldier here." YED says "If you're a bad little soldier, well, that dear old mom of yours, that adorable little sister ... I'll make certain that they both live long enough to know the chewy taste of their own intestines. pause "No, Jake. I'm not bluffing." Jake says "What do you want me to do?" YED says "Like I said – genius."

Sam's corpse lying on a mattress, Dean sitting next to him, grieving and he says "You know, when we were little— and you couldn't been more than 5— you just started asking questions. How come we didn't have a mom? Why do we always have to move around? Where'd Dad go when he'd take off for days at a time? I remember I begged you, "Quit asking, Sammy. Man, you don't want to know." I just wanted you to be a kid... Just for a little while longer. I always tried to protect you... Keep you safe... Dad didn't even have to tell me. It was just always my responsibility, you know? It's like I had one job... I had one job...And I screwed it up." He pauses and says " I blew it. And for that, I'm sorry." Wipes the tears away from the face and says "I guess that's what I do. I let down the people I love. I let Dad down. And now I guess I'm just supposed to let you down, too and then I'll probably let Sarah down as well, How can I? How am I supposed to live with that?" He's crying and says "What am I supposed to do? Sammy. God, What am I supposed to do?" Inhales deeply Yelling "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!"

Nighttime, Impala engine revving, Headlights turned on, Dean drives recklessly, looking pale and determined. He stops on a dirt road and inserts several items into a box, including a fake photo ID of himself, He buries the box in the middle of a crossroads and stands several seconds pass in silence, as Dean looks right and left then he says " Oh come on already. Show your face, you bitch!" Demon appears and says "Easy sugar, you'll wake the neighbors." She flashes red eyes for a moment and continues "Dean. It is so, so good to see you, I mean it. Look at you. Gone and got your family killed and you all you got is your precious girlfriend maybe she'll die next who knows, It's too sweet. Excuse me, you're gonna have to give me a moment She walks to Dean, face to face, close "Sometimes you gotta stop and smell the roses." Dean says "I should send you straight back to hell." Demon says "Oh, you should. But you won't. And I know why." Dean asks "Oh yeah?" Demon says " Yeah. Following in Daddy's footsteps, You wanna make a deal. Little Sammy back from the dead, and—let me guess— you're offering up your own soul?" Dean says "here are a hundred other demons who'd love to get their hands on it and it's all yours, All you got to do is bring Sam back and give me ten years— ten years, and then you come for me." Demon says to Dean "You must be joking." Dean says "That's the same deal you give everybody else." Demon says "You're not everybody else. " Whispering Dean's ear "Why would I want to give you anything? Keep your gutter soul. It's too tarnished, anyway." Dean nodding says "Nine years?" Demon says "No." Dean says "Eight?" Demon laughs says "You keep going, I'll keep saying no." Dean says "Okay, five years, Five years, and my bill comes due, That's my last offer— five years or no deal." Demon Leaning in as if for a kiss says "Then No deal." Dean says "Fine." Demon says "Fine."Walking away she says " Make sure you bury Sam before he starts stinking up the joint." Dean flinches and says "Wait." Demon softly says " It's a fire sale, and everything must go." Dean asks " What do I have to do?" Demon turns around and says "First of all, quit groveling. Needy guys are such a turnoff." sighs "Look... Look, I shouldn't be doing this. I could get in a lot of trouble. But what can I say? I got a blind spot for you, Dean. You're like a... puppy. You're just too fun to play with." Sighs again "I'll do it." Dean says "You'll bring him back?" The Demon says "I will. And because I'm such a saint, I'll give you one year, and one year only. But here's the thing. If you try and welch or weasel your way out, then the deal is off. Sam drops dead. He's back to rotten meat in no time. So... It's a better deal than your dad ever got. What do you say?"Dean grabs the demon and kisses her to seal the deal and Sam's eye open wide and he sits up on the mattress, looking around, confused, and breathing heavily.

In the motel room dawn, Sam in front of a mirror, examining his back, wincing, with a look of pain. There is a scar from where the knife was stabbed into his spine. In the distance a door opens and Dean enters the room and Dean says "Sammy? Thank god." Sam says "Hey." Dean pulls Sam into a tight embrace and Sam says " Owwww. Uh, Dean..." Dean releases him and says "Okay. Dean... what happened to me?" Dean says "Well, what do you remember?" Sam says "I-I saw you, Sarah and Bobby , and... I felt this pain. This sharp pain, like... white-hot, you know, and then you started running at me, and... that's about it." Dean says "Yeah, that— that kid, stabbed you in the back. You lost a lot of blood, you know.... It was pretty touch and go for awhile." Sam says "But Dean, you can't— you can't patch up a wound that bad." Dean says "No, Bobby with the help of Sarah could, Who was that kid, anyway?" Sam says "His name's Jake. Did you get him?" Dean says "No, he disappeared into the woods." Sam says "We got to find him, Dean and I swear I'm gonna tear that son of a bitch apart." Sam stands up with Dean following suit and Dean says "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, Van Damme. You just woke up, all right? Let's get you something to eat. Huh? You want something to eat?" Sam nods "I'm starving. Come on."

Dean and Sam sitting at a table, eating Sam says "And that's when you guys showed up." Dean says "That's awful, Poor Andy." Sam says "The demon said he only wanted one of us to walk out alive." Dean asks "He told you that?" Sam says "Yep." Scoffs "He appeared in a dream." Dean asks "He tell you anything else?" Sam shakes his head " No. No. That was it. Nothing else. You know, what I don't get, Dean, is if the demon only wanted one of us, then how did Jake and I both get away?" Dean says "Well, I mean, they left you for dead, I'm sure they thought it was over." Eats a large bite of pizza and turning away " So now that Yellow Eyes has Jake, what's he gonna do with him?" Sam says "I don't know. But whatever it is, we got to stop him." Dean says "Well, hold on, You need to get your rest we got time." Sam says "No, we don't." Dean says "Sam, oceans aren't boiling, okay? Frogs aren't raining from the sky. Let's get you your strength back first." Sam says "Well did you call the roadhouse? They know anything?" Dean says "Yeah..." He looks away and Sam says "Dean... what is it?" Dean sitting down says "The roadhouse burned to the ground. Ash is dead. Probably Ellen— a lot of other hunters, too." Sam with tears in his eyes asks " Demons?" Dean says "Yeah, we think so, We think because Ash found something." Sam asks "What did he find?" Dean says "Sarah and Bobby are working on that right now." Sam says "Well, come on then. Bobby's only a few hours away." Sam begins to stand and Dean stands also and grabs Sam by the shoulders and says "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop, Sam, stop! Damn it. You almost died in there. I mean, what would I 've — can't you just take care of yourself for a little bit, huh? Just for a little bit?" Sam says " I'm sorry. No." Dean shakes his head, they get into the impala and head for Bobby's.

There was a knock on Bobby's door, Bobby answers and and looks at Sam with astonishment and Dean says " Hey, Bobby." He looks at Bobby, and looks away again almost immediately and Sam says "Hey Bobby." Bobby says "Sam. It's good to ... see you up and around." Sam says "Yeah ... thanks for patching me up, where's Sarah i wanted to thank her as well." Bobby says "She's in the kitchen right now." Sam pats Bobby on the shoulder and walks past him into the house and Bobby says "Don't mention it" Dean follows, Bobby looks at him hard, vibrating with unspoken emotion Dean stiffy says "Well Sam's better. And we're back in it now, so... what do you know?" Sam looks at Dean curiously but heads into the kitchen and sarah turned around and saw Sam and was speechless and she then says "Hey Sam." Sam says "Hey Sarah thanks for helping bobby patch me up." Sarah says "Um, No problem Sam just happy to see you up and about." They hug each other, Bobby and Dean join them in the living room and Sarah gives Dean a kiss on the cheek and then gives him a look.

After sometime Bobby says "Well, I found something. But I'm not sure what the hell it means." Sam asks "What is it?" Sarah says " Demonic omens... like a frickin' tidal wave, Cattle deaths, Lightning storms and They skyrocketed from out of nowhere, Here." He points to Wyoming on a map. "All around here, except for one place... Southern Wyoming." Dean says "Wyoming?" Bobby says "Yeah. That one area's totally clean – spotless. It's almost as if..." Sam says "What?" Sarah says "The demons are surrounding it." Dean asks "But you don't know why?" Bobby says "No, and by this point our eyes are swimming. Sam, would you take a look at it? Maybe you and Sarah could catch something I couldn't." Sam says "Yeah sure." Bobby looks to Dean and says " Come on, Dean. I got some more books in the truck. Help me lug 'em in." Dean says "Yeah." Outside Dean and Bobby walking in the junkyard. Finally, Bobby stops and turns to face Dean and he says "You stupid ass! What did you do?" Dean looks away "What did you do?!" He pushes Dean "You made a deal... For Sam, didn't you? How long did they give you?" Dean says "Bobby." Bobby says "How long?!" Dean says "One Year." Bobby says "Damn it, Dean." Dean says "Which is why we gotta find this yellow-eyed son of a bitch. That's why I'm gonna kill him myself. I mean, I got nothing to lose now, right?" Bobby grabs Dean by the collar and says " I could throttle you!" Dean asks "What, and send me downstairs ahead of schedule?" Bobby lets dean down and says "What is it with you Winchesters, huh? You, your dad. You're both just itching to throw yourselves down the pit." Dean says "hat's my point. Dad brought me back, Bobby. I'm not even supposed to be here. At least this way, something good could come out of it, you know? I--I--It's like my life could mean something." Bobby says " What? And it didn't before?! Have you got that low of an opinion of yourself? Are you that screwed in the head?!" He grabs Dean again and Dean choking up says "I couldn't let him die, Bobby I couldn't, He's my brother." Bobby asks "How is your brother gonna feel when he knows your going to hell? How'd you feel when you knew your dad went for you? Also What about Sarah how do you think she's gonna feel when she finds out that the person she loves and cares about has only one year to live?" Dean says "You can't tell him. You take a shot at me, whatever you got to do, but please don't tell him or Sarah." Bobby begins to cry, grabbing Dean's chin Suddenly there is a clank from a distant part of the junkyard, Bobby and Dean crawl to the side of a car, and grab the intruder. Once they have her by the shoulders, they recognize her as Ellen and Dean asks "Ellen?" Ellen nods , starting to cry "Ellen, Oh god." They embrace.

Back inside Bobby's house, Ellen and Bobby sitting at a table and he pours her a shot of liquid from a flask and pushes it towards her and she says "Bobby, is this really necessary?" Bobby says "Just a belt of Holy Water. Shouldn't hurt." Ellen she lifts the shot glass to her mouth and swallows the water and says "Whiskey now, if you don't mind." Dean asks "Ellen, what happened? How'd you get out?" Ellen says " I wasn't supposed to, I was supposed to be in there with everybody else." scoffs "But we ran out of pretzels, of all things. It was just dumb luck." She drinks the whiskey Bobby poured for her, and exhales sharply says "Anyway, that's when Ash called. Panic in his voice." sighs "He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky-high. And everybody was dead. I couldn't have been gone more than fifteen minutes." Sarah says "Sorry, Ellen." Ellen tearing up says "A lot of good people died in there. And I got to live." Scoffs "Lucky me." Bobby says "Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Ellen says "A hidden safe we keep in the basement." Bobby asks "Demons get what was in it?" Ellen says "No." She pulls out a map from her pocket, unfolding it and setting it down on the table. It has several black lines and X's on it and Dean says "Wyoming. What does that mean?" Pointing to the lines, Bobby is reading from a large book and says "I don't believe it." He sets the book on the table and Sam asks "What? You got something?" Bobby says "A lot more than that. Each of these X's" He points to the marks on the map "Is an abandoned frontier church— all mid-19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt." Dean asks "Samuel Colt— the demon-killing, gunmaking Samuel Colt?" Bobby says "Yep. And there's more. He built private railway lines" He points to the black lines on the map "connecting church to church. It just happens to lay out like this." He connects the points on the map until the shape of a star is made and Dean says "Tell me that's not what I think it is."

Sam says "It's a Devil's Trap. A 100-square mile Devil's Trap." Sarah says "That's brilliant. Iron lines demons can't cross." Ellen says "I've never heard of anything that massive." Bobby says "No one has." Dean asks "And after all these years none of the lines are broken? I mean, it still works?" Sam says "Definitely" Dean asks "How do you know?" Sam says "All those omens Bobby found. I mean the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in." Bobby says "Yeah, well... they're trying." Ellen asks "Why? What's inside?" Sarah says "That's what I've been looking for. And, uh, there's nothing except an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle." Sam says "Well what's so important about a cemetery or... what's Colt trying to protect?" Dean says "Well, unless ..." Bobby asks "Unless what?" Dean says "What if Colt wasn't trying to keep the demons out? What if he was trying to keep something in?" Ellen says "Now that's a comforting thought." Dean says " Yeah, you think?" Sam says "Could they do it, Bobby? Could they get inside?" Bobby says "his thing's so powerful, you'd practically need an A-bomb to destroy it. No way a full-blood demon gets across." Sam says "No." Pauses "But I know who could."

In the woods, Jake pulls onto a backroad and parks his car in front of a railroad track,He gets out of the car and looks around and after a few moments, Jake turns around and sees the Yellow Eyed Demon standing behind him and says "Howdy, Jake. So, did you have a nice trip?" Jake says "I'm here. I did what you asked. Now what?" YED says Fifty miles, thataway." He points in the opposite direction Jake is standing, across the railroad tracks "There's a cemetery, a crypt You got to open that for me, Think you can manage that?" Jake says "You know what? Screw you and your freaky orders. Go do it yourself." The YED says "Oh, I can't. I can't go that way— not yet." Jake asks "Why not?" The YED says "I just can't but if you're gonna open that crypt for me, you're gonna need a key." He pulls the Colt from his jacket pocket and holds it in the air Jake says "A gun?"YED says to Jake "Oh, this isn't just any gun, Jake. This is the only gun in the whole universe that can shoot me dead." Pointing the gun to his head, Jake says "Is that so?" YED says "Yep. Here, take it." He hands the Colt over to Jake , who cocks the gun and aims it at him and says "Oh, my. I'm shocked at this unforeseen turn of events Go ahead, Jake. Squeeze that trigger be all you can be, This'll all be over your life can go back to normal. Of course, the Army won't take you back 'cause you're AWOL, But I'm sure you could get your old job at the factory back. But then, on the other hand, the rest of your life, and your family's, could be money and honey, health and wealth, every day is ice-cream sundae. And all you got to do is this one little thing." Jake asks "Why me?" YED says "Oh, Jake. It's got to be you. I've been waiting for you for a very long time. You're my leader. You open that crypt, and you will have your army." Jake says "You're talking about the end of the world." YED says "No, not the end— the beginning... a better world, where your family will be protected. More than that. They'll be royalty. Buddy boy, you have the chance to get in on the ground floor of a thrilling opportunity. Whaddya say? It's your call." Jake lowers the gun and the YED says "Attaboy."

Nighttime, A cemetery gate opens and Jake enters, walking towards a crypt and he doesn't see Dean behind standing behind a large tomb, a guns in hand and Sam says "Howdy, Jake." Sam, Sarah, Bobby and Ellen appear from the shadows, guns raised and Jake says "Wait... you were dead, I killed you." Sam says "Yeah? Well next time, finish the job." Jake says " I did! I cut clean through your spinal cord, man." Sam glances at Dean , who lowers his eyes briefly " You can't be alive, You can't be." Bobby says "Okay, just take it real easy there, son." Jake asks " And if I don't?" Sam says "Wait and see." Jake asks " What, you a tough guy all of a sudden? What are you gonna do— kill me?" Sam says "It's a thought." Jake says "You had your chance. You couldn't." Sam says " won't make that mistake twice." Jake begins to laugh and Dean says "What are you smiling at, you little bitch?" Jake says " Hey Ladies, do me a favor. Put that gun to your heads." Ellen and Sarah shakily points their guns at their temples, "See that Ava girl was right. Once you give in to it, there's all sorts of new Jedi mind tricks you can learn." Sam says "Let them go." Ellen's voice trembling and so is Sarah and they both say "Shot him." Jake says "You'll be mopping up skull before you get a shot off." There was a pause "Everybody, put your guns down. Except you two sweethearts." Three guns drop "Okay, Thank you." Jake turns around and pulls the Colt out of his pocket, While he is inserting it into the crypt, Dean grabs the gun from sarah before she shoots herself and Bobby goes to Ellen and grabs the gun from her before she can shoot herself, just as Sam shoots Jake four times in the back and Jake falls onto the ground, and Sam walks over to stand over him and Jake pleads and gasping "Please... don't. Please." Sam shoots Jake three more times in the chest, Blood spatters onto his face Ellen and Bobby walk past Sam with Bobby staring at him hard. Dean and Sarah walks over to look at Jake, then Sam who wipes the blood from his face and the five look over to the crypt as two separate engravings on the crypt spin in different directions, then stop and Bobby says "Oh, no." Ellen asks "Bobby, what is it?" Bobby replies "It's hell." Dean pulls the Colt from the Crypt and Bobby says "Take cover— now!" All five run behind tombstones as the doors to the crypt burst open, A large black mass erupts from the other side and shoots outward.

Black demon smoke continues to pour from the crypt, with individual trails of smoke haring off in different directions. Bobby, Ellen, Sarah, Dean and Sam are taking cover behind some tombstones nearby and Dean asks "What the hell just happened?!" Ellen says "That's a devil's gate, A damn door to hell." The railway iron is shown being bent in two and a pair of legs crossing, while a black demon smoke trail goes out the other way and Ellen says " Come on! We gotta shut that gate!" Dean checks the colt for bullets and says "If the demon gave this to Jake... then maybe..." Thunder crashes and the Yellow Eyed Demon appears behind Dean, He flings the Colt out of Dean's hand and into his own. Dean looks astonished and YED says "Boys shouldn't play with Daddy's guns." He throws Dean into the air, where Dean hits his head on a tombstone and lies there, stunned. Bobby, Sarah, Ellen and Sam are struggling to close the crypt door, Sam looks over and sees Dean down and the YED who looks at Sam and smiles and Sam says "Dean!" He lets go of the gate door and runs toward his brother, the YED throws Sam against a nearby tree and says "I'll get to you in a minute, champ. But I'm proud of you— knew you had it in you." Dean is struggling upright, The YED throws him against a post " Sit a spell, So, Dean... I gotta thank you. You see, demons can't resurrect people, unless a deal is made and I know, red tape— it'll make you nuts, But thanks to you, Sammy's back in rotation." He laughs "Now, I wasn't counting on that, but I'm glad. I liked him better than Jake, anyhow. Tell me— have you ever heard the expression, "If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is?"" Dean says "You call that deal good?" The YED says "Well, it's a better shake than your dad ever got. And you never wondered why? I'm surprised at you. I mean..." YED approaches Dean to speak to him face-to-face "you saw what your brother just did to Jake, right? That was pretty cold, wasn't it?" He chuckles "How certain are you that what you brought back, is 100%, pure, Sam?" Sam , watching, looks horrified; it's not clear whether or not he can hear their conversation. In addition to black demon smoke, what appears to be ghosts are now also walking the LED laughs, You of all people should know, that's what's dead, should stay dead. Anyway... thanks a bunch. I knew I kept you alive for some reason. Until now, anyway. I couldn't have done it without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family." As the YED cocks the Colt and aims it at Dean, John Winchester grabs the demon from behind. The body the demon possessed falls to the ground, the gun still in hand, while John and the cloud of smoke that was the YED wrestle and the demon pushes him to the ground and enters the body once more. When he stands up, Dean is pointing the Colt at him, and shoots him in the heart, The demon then falls to the ground, dead and Bobby, Ellen and Sarah finally close the gate doors and turn to see John, Dean stands up faces his dad. John walks forward, and smiles at Dean, putting his hand on Dean's shoulder Both are teary, and Sam approaches; Dean and John both look at Sam and John and Sam both nod heads, With another look at Dean John steps back and disappears into white light, Dean and Sam look at each other.

Dean, Sarah and Sam stand over the demon's smoking body, astonished and Dean says "Well, check that off the to-do list." Laughs a little Sam says "You did it." Dean says "I didn't do it alone." Sam asks "Do you think Dad really... do you think he really climbed outta hell?" Dean says "The door was open. If anyone's stubborn enough to do it... it would be him." Sam then asks "Where do you think he is now?" Dean says "I don't know." Sam says "I kind of can't believe it, Dean. I mean... our whole lives, everything... has been prepping for this, and now I... Chuckles" I kind of don't know what to say." Dean says "I do." He leans over the body and says "That was for our mom and son of a bitch." Sam, Sarah and Dean walking towards the Impala, Dean opens the door and then Sam says "You know, when Jake saw me... it was like he saw a ghost." Dean , stopping, shuts the door to stand next to Sam and Sarah and hear him, scoffs "I mean, hell, you heard him, Dean and so did Sarah He said he killed me." Dean says "Glad he was wrong." Sam says " I don't think he was, Dean." Pause Sam looks at Dean "What happened? After I was stabbed?" Dean says "I already told you." Sam says "Not everything." Sarah looks at Dean waiting for his response, Dean says "Sam, we just killed the demon. Can we celebrate for a minute?" Sam asks "Did I die?" Dean says "Oh, come on." Sam asks "id you sell your soul for me, like Dad did for you?" Dean says "Oh, come on! No!" Sarah looks at Dean and says "Tell us the truth." Dean sniffs "Dean, tell me the truth." Dean chuckles "Sam, Sarah...." Sarah's voice breaking and she asks Dean "How long do you get?" Dean says "One year." Sarah and Sam both nod with tears in their eyes " I got one year." Sam says "You shouldn't've done that. How could you do that?" Dean says "Don't get mad at me. Don't you do that. I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job." Sam says "And what do you think my job is?" Dean says "What?" Sam says "You've saved my life over and over. I mean, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this. Guess I gotta save your ass for a change." Dean says "Yeah." Ellen approaching says "Well... Yellow-Eyed Demon might be dead. But a lot more got through that gate." Sarah asks "How many you think?" Sam says "Hundred Maybe two hundred, It's an army he's unleashed an army." Bobby says "Hope to hell you three are ready, 'Cause the war has just begun." Dean says smiling "Well, then..." Sarah, Sam and Dean opening the Impala's trunk. Dean throws the colt into the boot of the car and says ".... we got work to do."