In the futuristic city known as Cathedral. In ancient times knights serve with honor and protect the people and today they still do an organization known as the Cadet Knights founded by the first knight who was named Chris Cadets. This organization specializes in special knights that suit every task through their divisions but have the same goal to serve and protect the people of Cathedral.
Near a Power Plant, a couple of robots were regular patrol robots they were human size with cylinder-like bodies and had four legs walking. They were patrolling the perimeter. They see in the distance a man running towards the power plant. He was carrying a long sword in his right hand he was wearing a suit that was worn by Cadet knights it had green colors on it. Color symbolize what class they are and since he was wearing a green color, he was in soldier class he was wearing a Cadet helmet which was a black helmet with two black horns on the sides pointing up and it had green eyes. He runs towards the fence and jumps on it and jumps off the fence. The robots see him tries to attack him but, in a second, He cut them into pieces. He kneels down and talks to someone who he hears in his helmet over a special radio piece in his ear.
"Hey, Operator I have entered the mission site," said The Knight.
"Knight, I hear you loud and clear and the mission if you do not already know but I will say any way to clarify to you. Your mission is to sneak into the power plant to find a terrorist and bring him in," said the Operator.
"Understood," said The Knight.
"Ah, Knight I have a question for you if you don't mind me asking a personal question?" asked Operator.
"Of course," said The Knight.
"Why accept a request on your birthday?" asked Operator.
"Because no one accepts this request and the people come first before my personal life," said The Knight.
"I see. But alright live your life a little bit," said Operator.
"Let's focus on this mission than on me," said The Knight.
"Very well," said the Operator. The transmission ends. The Knight gets up and starts sneaking around the power plant. He sees a bunch of robots patrolling. He then climbs into a big vent on the ground. The Knight then goes through the vents.
In a room at Cadet Knight headquarter in a room where the Operators were communicating with Cadet Knights. She was at her computer when a middle age man with black hair with gray sides had a gray beard with brown eyes. He was wearing a cadet knight suit. He was wearing a red cape his color was a different color that changed. this man was Commander of Cadet Knights and was a legendary figure in the Cadet's Order as he served in a war when he was younger this man's name is Reggie Zunder, Seventy-Second Commander. He goes to the Operator.
"May I?" asked Reggie.
"Sure thing," said The Operator. She hands him the phone she use to talk to the Knight.