Me and the autobot bug had been walking around all day. As it got dark, the bug recommended we find a shelter or we make one. He had complained all day about all the wounds, dents, and how cold he was. My heating system was still running and at some point while looking for shelter the bug actually got close to me. I grabbed his arm and held him in the air. He yelped in surprise.
"What do jou think jou are doing?!" I yelled.
"Sorry its just really cold and my heating system isn't working. And you're venting a lot of hot air..." The bug said with a shakey voice.
"Are jou saying I'm hot?" I said laughing maniacally afterwards.
"No I'm saying the air you vent out is hot!" The bug said angrily.
I dropped him. He hit the ground. But it all caved in under him. I tried grabbing him but he fell into the cave and the rocks landed on him. "Help please!" The bug cried out.
I jumped down the hole. As much as I wanted to let the autobot go offline, I needed him. "Vhere are jou autobot?" I asked moving rocks.
"Under a bunch of rocks! Where do you think I am?!" The bug yelled.
I rolled my opticals and started getting rid of the rocks. I quickly found him. A big rock had crushed one of his stabilizers.
"Oh come on! Are you kidding me?!" The bug yelled.
I kneeled down and examined his stabilizer. "Jou won't be valking anytime soon bug." I said.
"So how am I gonna get anywhere?" The bug asked.
"I must carry jou!" I said picking up the autobot.
"Hey what are you-" The bug started saying.
"Quiet bug! Or ve von't be getting anyvhere!" I said.
I put the autobot on my shoulder and walked off. I kept a hand on his waist so he wouldn't fall off. He wasn't happy about that. He kept complaining. It was getting really annoying.
"If jou don't stop talking autobot I'll leave jou here to freeze." I said. The bug shut up.
After hours of searching we found a cave we could camp out in for the night. I walked inside and put the bug against the wall. The bug began rubbing his smashed stabilizer. He kept wincing. "Stay here vhile I go get firewood." I said starting to leave.
"Wait you're leaving me? In this condition?" The bug said. "What if I'm found by Megatron?"
"Just stay here and stay quiet and jou won't be found bug!" I yelled at him.
"What about my energy signal?" The bug asked.
"Because of the cave and snow jour energy signal should be hidden." I said leaving.
I heard him say something but I couldn't make it out. I went to the closet fallen tree and ripped off branches and bark. I also grabbed some stuff to help the bug. After I figured I had enough supplies, I headed back to the cave.
The bug was waiting there servos shaking. I aimed my only working gun at the entrance and froze it. "What are you doing?" The bug asked with a shaking voice.
"Keeping as much heat as possible in the cave." I said putting the supplies.
I set up the wood. I aimed my gun and did a very small shot. Enough to light the fire. I grabbed the supplies for the bug and went over. I put branches over his stabilizer and wrapped them tightly in kelp I found by a river. I saw the bug tense up.
"Zis should help jou." I said.
After I finished I went to the other side of the cave and sat down. I didn't realize how much my chassis hurt.
"Thank you." The bug said.
I looked at the autobot. I was surprised. "Jour velcome......Bumblebee." I said.
He was surprised I called him by his actual name instead of bug or autobot.
"Jou should recharge. I vill keep an eye out." I said.
The bug leaned against the wall and went into recharge mode.