"Oh hey guys." Carrier said.
"You know them carrier?" I asked really confused.
"How come she's calling you carrier little buddy?" The green one asked.
Carrier sighed. "Guys this is my sparkling Zodiac." Carrier said. "Zodiac this is my old team. Optimus Prime."
The red and blue one waved.
"Ratchet." Carrier said.
The ambulance bot gave me a look. "Prowl."
"Its a pleasure to meet you." The ninja bot asked.
"Bulkhead." Carrier said.
"She's small like you." The green one asked.
"Don't forget me Bumblebee." A human sized bot asked.
"Sari?" Carrier asked.
There was a jet noise. I smiled looking up. "Sire came too!" I said.
"Of course he did." Carrier said. The jet transformed and landed. I ran to sire.
"Little one! Jou are okay!" Sire said picking me up and holding me close. His faced changed to his calm one. "Nozing is damaged?"
"I have a small dent." I said.
"Who do I have to crush?!" Sire said.
"Is that Blitzwing?" I heard Prowl relax.
"Frag!" Sire said.
"Blitzwing what did I say about saying that around Zodiac?" Carrier said.
"Wait, are you 2?" Prime asked.
"Spark mates. Jes." Sire said.
"Why don't you guys come with us and I'll explain things." Carrier said.
"Zodiac vanna race back to ze house?" Sire asked.
"Sure." I said.
We both went into our jet modes and flew off. We raced back home. Once we got there I transformed and landed. "Yes I win!" I said happily.
Sire landed next to me. "Zodiac do jou know vhat decepticon attacked jou?" He asked.
"No. But he had a hook for a servo." I said.
"Lockdown." Sire said. Hus face changed to his angry one. "I vill crush him for even zinking of hurting jou!"
"Hey Blitzy calm down." Carrier said coming over with his old team.
We went inside. "Oh thank god Zodiac is okay." Shockwave said putting a hand on his chassis.
"Is that Shockwave?!" Prime asked.
"Calm down. I said I would explain." Carrier said. "Where's Blurr?"
"Out with Razor getting some supplies." Shockwave said. "What deception attacked Zodiac and Comet?"
"Lockdown did." Sire said obviously holding in some anger.
"Zodiac!" I heard Comet yell as she hugged me. "IwasreallyworriedthatthedecepticongottoyoubeforeBumblebeedid!"
"Calm down Comet. We can't understand you." Shockwave said.
"SorrywhenIgetnervousmyvoicegoesoutofcontrol." Comet said. She took a deep breath.
"She talks as fast as Blurr does." Prowl said.
"Actually she talks faster then I do." Blurr said walking in with Razor.
"Blurr?" Prime asked.
"We thought you were lost through the space bridge." Bulkhead said.
"I was. The starscreams got us out of the glue. I ran all the way to Cybertron. Shockwave attempted to offline me. Then I ran all the way back here and into Bumblebee and Blitzwing." Blurr said.
"I told you I was sorry about that." Shockwave said.
"A decepticon sorry?" Ratchet asked.
"You have got to fill us in on why you've been hiding out with 2 decepticons Bee." Sari said.
"Technically we all gave up our sides. We went roug." Carrier said.
"But why?" Prime asked.
"I love my little bug!" Sire said wrapping his arms around Carrier's chassis.
"And I love him back." Carrier said.
"Same goes for me and Blurr." Shockwave said. "But we knew our relationships wouldn't be except so we decided to stay in hiding. And before we knew it. Bumblebee and Blurr were carrying."
The bots didn't know what to say. "Guys promise you wont tell anyone we're here. I don't want anyone hurting Blitzwing or Zodiac." Carrier said.
"We promise kid." Ratchet said. "But if Zodiac is your sparkling. And Comet is there's. Whose sparkling is that?" He pointed at Razor.
"He's our sparkling." Blurr said as Razor went over to them.
"Okay. I'm still confused on how 2 mechs were carrying. That normally only happens to femmes." Prime said.
"Ve aren't sure ourselves. But ve didn't care." Sire said.
My stomach growled. "Dinner time!" Sire said walking towards the kitchen. "Are jou bots staying?"
"I will." Prowl said.
"Me too." Sari and Bulkhead said.
"Me and Ratchet are gonna head out. We'll stop by in the morning." Prime said as they left.