
Who are you ?

'So what now ?' I asked Maxwell and Sylvia as they sat at the edges of my bed 'Am I witch ? Can I do that trick you did on me ?' My dear Uncle /Dad had already made that clear enough but surely, you couldn't blame me for not really believing.

Funnily enough.... Here I was ,acting like I was super exited when the simple truth was I was was drained,mentally and emotionally exhausted . I had felt a hell of an amount of pain and I wasn't sure I would ever forget that.

Max chuckled while Sylvia blushed slightly embarrassed at the reminder of her bitchiness towards me .

'Well you're in a school for stuff like that so you're gonna learn with time ,but I'd advice you to read books for the basics .'

I was already dressed in the school's uniform ,which consisted of a black and blue checkered skirt which was considerably short due to Sylvia's incessant demands for it to be cut short again and again , and a blue long sleeved top to match . With Eli , I always dressed like a boy except for the few times when the women he dated would try to doll me up in pink and glitters, so I wasn't really used to showing off so much skin ,not neglecting the fact that Sylvia had also insisted on a quite suggestive collar . I didn't even have an idea on what what the school looked like My last memory had been pain then blissful numbness, and that was back at my uncle's den .

In moments like this I wished Eliot could be here he always knew how to calm my nerves.

Taking in a deep breath ,making sure to look calm .

Maxwell finally stood up ,and we followed suit. My skirt seemed to have gone even shorter and my top equally smaller as walked . It'd occurred to me that after my uncle unblocked my "Powers" I felt like something had shifted in me but I couldn't figure it out well.... not just yet .

As we walked past my room I couldn't deny the strong vibe that I was getting from the neighboring room . I didn't know how to put it in words but I was gonna find out why .

My jaw almost dropped as we walked through the buildings the school had its luxury in check . It looked like the typical type for rich spoiled brats . Not that I knew anything about it or stuff 'cause I'd never been to a real school but I'd watched enough movies to know how annoying they could be . Who knew ? With a bit if luck they'd be different .

We went down a couple of staircases with students filling around . It seemed practically miniskirts were in fashion with button tight tops.

They all looked either confident ,happy, exited ,like they belonged , and so on .

I on the other hand couldn't wipe the feeling of uncertainty from my bones it was eating up at me .

As we continued walking i noticed most people were going our way .

'Where're we all heading to ?' I asked looking at Maxwell directly .

'To the grand hall. That's where we usually have our welcoming speech . '

'Oh .'

'Does that mean every one will be there ? Like werewolves ,vampires witches ....

.. The whole lot ?'

'Yeah ,and we better hurry .'

We did hurry ,but I couldn't understand why we couldn't just spell ourselves there , after all they kept using that "dispersium" thingy over and over why could they not just use it now ?

Finally, after passing by more and more beautiful architecture of the school without really paying much heed , we arrived in front of two intricately carved high doors . I would have stood to gape but I didn't wanna male fool of my self.

Sylvia, head high and swaying her hips in her miniskirt of a uniform ,took the lead to find us suitable places ,we knew she loved the attention .

Girls like her always had two side ..... I hadn't even finished the thought when two dolled up girls came squealing and hugging Sylvie . She too was squealing and it seemed her main goal had been completely deviated of her mind . Maxwell cleared his throat and signalled for me to follow him , I did soon enough we found some empty seats at the back and I was so grateful u didn't wanna draw any attention . As we headed towards there I had that feeling again ,and that when my eyes locked on another's .

* * *

Holy shit !

She was coming my way ,why ?

Did she somehow find out that I was in her room did she have a Camera or something ?

Well what ever it was ,I was gonna have to remedy to that .

I felt that power of hers lashing out for me like . I didn't know why or how I knew but I just did. I wondered if she could feel it too .

I tried to look uninterested but maaaann ... She was damn hot .

'Let's just sit here ' I hadn't even noticed she'd been walking with a dude who the hell was he , was that her boyfriend ?

Looking around I noticed most guys were staring at her .

I felt so sick . Douche bags .

Wowowow .....wait a minute was I the one getting all over the place because of a girl ?

That was new .

'Yeah sure ,you first '

She was gonna be sitting next to me ,this couldn't be .

I wanted to wake up and run but I was pinned down by her power , you got to be kidding me . I would have glared at her but she seemed so oblivious that I couldn't bring myself to do that.

As she finally sat down I felt my power reach out for hers like they were playing .

What the hell was that supposed to mean ?

Who could this girl be ?

Where did she come from ?

I was gonna have to do some research about that.

'I wish Eli was here .' She murmured under her breath , but I could here with cause I was partly wolf .

Who was that Eli guy ? Did I know him ?

Was there another Elijah somewhere ? Surely his name wasn't Elijah , maybe it was Elias or something .

'Where's Jeremy ?' She asked the dude

'Dunno but I'm sure he's around .'

'Hey ' this time she was talking to me I wore on. An uninterested mask as I looked at her , it almost fell when she looked at me with that uninterested look .

'You need something ?'

'Are you the one sleeping next door to me ?'

She didn't bit around the bush did she ?

'Yeah ' I said simply stretching my legs in front of me ..'okay'

She equally leaned back on her chair too .

'And you're name is .......'


Her eyes seemed to widen ,she looked taken aback .

'Elijah ' she said testing the name on her lips , 'like Eli ?' It was more like she was talking to herself so I didn't bother answering.

'Can I also ask a question ? She looked at me pursing her lips like she was contemplating her answer .Well...that definitely got me staring at them hopefully she didn't notice that. Her answer took me quite by surprise .

'No thanks .'

Well ....that was new.