Alluring scent

2 weeks have gone by and I still have no trace of where my book went. Eli had told me that she thinks someone from the shadow realm must of came and taken it. Someone who knew my mother. Eli had told me the night that it went missing that she would ask around to people who were in and out of the shadow realm, turns out Julius's brothers were an option. Since they are older they have more experience and knowledge about shortcuts to the outside realm. Ever since she's asked them, I haven't been seeing much of her around. Im not worried though, I think she needs that bond that she's had with them again. I don't know what happened between them but I'm glad they are all getting along, can't say the same about me and Julius however. When we see each other in the halls we are always by ourselves, now that Eli is off investigating. Id wave and he would just half-smile at me and pass by. Is he really that mad at me? If he is then I don't want to make it easier and forgive him. I don't feel like I've done anything wrong. If he wants to talk to me about it then he can. We are adults.

After my last class I grab some fruit from the hall and head to my dorm room. I guess I have more study time to myself then. I take out my things and start writing notes. I grab a piece of watermelon from my bowl and eat it in one big bite. I instantly regretted it. I quickly spit it out back into my bowl and cough like crazy. I could barely even keep my saliva down. I run to the bathroom and gag into the toilet. Absolutely revolting. I flush the toilet and lay on the floor in disbelief. I sigh and cover my face with my hands. Its been getting worse when I lose my appetite for blood. I have no idea how to control it. I hear my dorm door open and close swiftly, along with a huge clash. Something fell. I pull my face away from my hands and look up at the bathroom door. "Eli?!" I called out and got up to see what was going on. I open the bathroom door and find Eli curled up by her bed, next too a pile of books she had knocked over by her nightstand. I go and sit across from her, relieved that I wasn't getting ambushed. I look at Eli and notice her cheeks were completely flushed. She hiccuped and slowly put her head in between her legs. I guess I've never really seen Eli drunk before since I lost her the day that I wasn't completely sober myself. I guess she can't handle her alcohol either. I giggle and crawl over to her.

I pull Elis head out and cup her cheeks so that her face looked squished. She wasn't completely out of it. I kiss her forehead and laugh. "My little Eli looks like a squished tomato." I coo at her. She grabs a hold of my hands and pulls them from her face, still holding them. "I am NOT a tomato." she confidently reassures me. I furrow my eyebrows. "Oh really?" I say jokingly. She smiles and while still holding my hands she pulls me closer. She nods her head and looks down to my nose. I press my forehead against hers and close my eyes. "We do have to clean up your book mess before I put you to bed El." I pull away to look at her. she looks away and picks up a piece of paper that fell out one of her books. "Like th- Ow!" she complained. I look down. "Oops I just gave myself a paper cut. Im so clumsy." she whined. I gulp and pull completely away from Eli and look away. "You should go rinse it off." I tell her quietly. I hear Eli get up but she doesn't go into the bathroom. "Look at me June. stand up." she tells me. I clear my throat and sigh. I stand up and look her in the eyes, forcing them away from her cut. Eli moves her hand up to my mouth. "Suck. I know you haven't been having any blood lately. You need more then what you've consumed." She tells me. I feel her hand move under my chin so that she could move my gaze to her paper cut. I bite my lip. I look up to Eli. "Eli I- I don't want to hurt you." I began to plead. Eli shush's me and shakes her head. "You won't, I promise. Im a lot stronger than I look." She laughed. "Now drink some. Come on." she continued.

I take a beep breath and bend down to lick the blood from her cut. I gasp at the strong wave of pleasure I felt. I want more. I groan at the bottom of throat. Im suppressing the urge to lunge at her. That would be completely savage June don't. I grab her hand and suck harder. I bite her cut hard. I feel her flinch. I stop and look up. "I don't think its enough. Here." She says and grabs a paper clip and pushes it into her neck. I see blood slide down her neck and quickly pull her closer to me so that I could lick it up. I hear Eli moan. Is she enjoying this? My emotions are completely heightened, I feel invincible and reckless. I stop sucking the blood from her neck and lift my head up. Our lips brushed and I kissed her. She pulls me in and we kneel to the ground, surrendering ourselves under the moonlight. I go back to her neck and kiss her new wound. I feel Eli bite my neck as well. That reminded me of Julius and I gasp loudly. I feel like I want to attack Eli, slam her against the wall and kiss her everywhere. What Is this feeling? I pull away quickly. "I think I'm good now, I really don't want to hurt you Eli." I say, wiping my mouth. Eli sighs. "Ok. We should clean this mess." she said chuckling.

In the morning I get up early. I see Eli is still sleeping, we slept in our own beds last night because I couldn't control my lust. I groan and get dressed. Ill just grab breakfast and head to the library. When I get there I see Jaime sitting at a table With 2 full plates of food to himself. I giggle and walk over to him. "You do sure eat a lot wolf boy." I say to him as I sit across the table. I see him look up and swallow a mouthful of food to speak. "Yea, whats up?" He asks me with a straight face. I frown. "I see you haven't warmed up to me yet, its ok, ill give you time." I say. "When do you think me and Eli could visit the outside realm? Its getting harder to control myself when I taste blood." I continued. I rest my head in the palm of my hand to look miserable. Jaime chokes. "Can you not talk about blood while I'm eating, how vile." He says with a look of disgust. "It will be a couple weeks, that shit isn't easy you know." He continued. I hear 2 plates clatter next to me. I look over to see Ron and Julius sitting down to eat. My heart skips a beat when I see Julius. He looked very tired. "What are you doing talking to jaime, June?" Julius asked me. I swallow and sit up in my chair. I see he still doesn't want anything to do with me. "I was asking jaime a question." I tell him. I held his gaze for only a second. I hope he understands that I want to end this friction between us. I sit up to head for the library. "And next time you get Eli drunk, Please be moderate about it. I had to clean up your mess last night." I say before I leave. It wasn't that Eli was a mess but they could've been more mature with her. On my way to the library I run into Eli. She looked frantic. "I think I know who has your book. I could smell a familiar scent in our dorm when I walked in our room after I took a shower." she tells me. I perk up. Thank god some good news. "Do you know what the scent is?" I ask her. Eli nods. "Yea but I only know that its a vampire who knows my family. They aren't close but they're in alliance with our pack. I just can't tell who it was out of their clan. Ive also realized something that I should have said when I met you. Your sweet scent that you give off is the same scent as that clan." she tells me smiling. My eyes widened. "So your telling me different clans give of different scents?" I ask her. Eli nods. "Yep! I think your related to the clan we are familiar with." Eli explains. I can feel my heart flutter. No way. Eli's pack knows my fathers side of the family. "Now lets go tell jaime, Julius and Ron." She continues, heading toward the cafeteria. I stop. "I actually just came from there but you can go. I was just gonna hang in the library and chill out." I tell her. Eli turns around. "Um June... no one ever just goes to the library to hang out. Thats what nerds do. And I don't see you as the nerd type." she giggles. I roll my eyes. "Whats wrong? Are you still scared of them?" Eli asks. I lean the side of my body against the wall of the hallway we were in and bite the tip of my thumb. I should just be honest to her already.

"Me and Julius kissed.." I confess to her. I look at her to read her face. All she does is smile. "Oh I see, so then are you afraid to show yourself to him after committing such a sin?" she teased. I laugh. "No, the day we met them in the park, I said something to him that I shouldn't have and now I think he's mad at me." I tell her. Eli sticks out her bottom lip and grabs hold of my arm. "Your gonna ask him to talk to you. He must really like you if he's holding a grudge." Eli tells me while dragging me along with her.