The distance 03

I didn't realize that I fell asleep, I waited for Patrick reply but he didn't send any. after I took a bath, Patrick just replied to my text "Sorry Mia I fall asleep so I couldn't text you last night" he replied I smiled a tough he still annoyed because of what happens the other day. I replied "shall we go to school together? if yes where will we meet?" I said to him while. I'm smiling.

After I got dress Patrick replied to my text "Sorry Mia, I'll go with Eric, see you at school," " Is it ok with you?" he added, I sight I replied to his text "Ok, babe see you at school." maybe he misses his best friend too much that's why he wants to be with him. Lucky me Iana texted me she said she will wait for me in the hallway of the school. I wear my favorite denim pants and white t-shirt, I like the combination of it special the shoes it's comfy.

I took my bag from the table I scan my room to see if I had forgotten anything but nothing so I walked to the door, I went out after I closed it. I also saw the guy yesterday he was also wearing denim pants and a black t-shirt, he was still wearing his glasses we both looked at each other, he smiled at me I smiled at him. I went down the stairs first because my best friend Iana was already waiting for me and I was also excited to see Patrick.

When I came out of the dorm the weather was nice, the sunlight was not so painful on my skin, I walked to the terminal bus it takes only 30 mins drive to the school that I was going to I looked at my watch it's already 6;55 I was too early, I was surprised when a man spoke next to me, I looked at him, It was the guy in my dorm he also waiting for the bus while he was talking on the cellphone, I looked at the road I was glad there was a bus coming when It stopped in front me the door immediately opened I went up and looked for a vacant seat. I seat at the back. I texted my Mom I said to her that I am seated on the bus. She replied she said take care my little Mia don't forget to have fan, say hi to Patrick and Iana for me. After the 30 mins of drive I'm finally here Iat my school University High.

I just got off the bus and I was amazed at how my school beautiful is, there was a big gate in front of me the name of the University High is also written outside the guard greeted me when I got inside the school. I didn't know where I was going so I asked the guy who was standing beside the tree he was wearing a yellow t-shirt, he smiled at me and pointed to the other building I thanked him first before I left. I walked to another building there are a lot of students chatting in the hallway, I saw Iana she's waving at me so I waved at her back, I laughed a little,

When I approached Iana she asked me why I was not with Patrick I frowned at her "He goes with Eric" I said to Iana her face was disappointed "He choose his friend over you, that's not right Mia, " Iana said She was annoyed by the tone of her voice " Let's find our locker before the bell rang " she said we walked without saying anything I know Iana she is still upset maybe because of Patrick. I said to her that I was fine with it. She said a relationship is not like that, you need to tell him what you feel, not that you still ok with it but deep inside you are not. Iana is right I can't confront Patrick, If I confronted him he will get angry at me, And I don't want that. I know Patrick he doesn't want him to be control, he can do what ever he likes,

As we were walking Iana suddenly tapped me on the shoulder "isn't Patrick ?," she asked me so I looked in her direction. "Yes," I replied to Iana "who is that girl?" she was wearing a mini skirt, her hair is blond she has a white skin and she is sexy. Iana said with seriousness Iana and I walked faster to Patrick I don't know but suddenly my heartbeat quickened. When I approached Patrick the girl immediately said goodbye to him "Who is she?" I asked Patrick he think first before he answered me, " Eric's friend," he said .Eric agreed with Patrick but Ian. And I did not believe them. I don't know but there seems to be something wrong with that girl The way he looks at Patrick as if they had known each other for a long time Patrick hold my hand we walk to upstairs to went into our classroom along with Eric and Iana I don't know if I will believe to what he said. There was a part of me that dissagree.But I know Patrick he can't do that to me I look at Patrick he looks at me with curious, I stop from walking I remove Patrick's hand from holding my hand, I looked at him immediately, he turned to me with a serious look my heart was beating fast, my hand was getting cold.

He touched my face he brought his face close to mine he said to me "don't worry she is just Eric's friend, " he kissed me on the forehead, he looks into my eyes with sincerity I nodded at him ,he holds my hand and we begin to walk inside the classroom. I even saw Eric and and Patrick looking at each other, I wonder what that's mean Eric saw me looking at him so he smiled at me, I looked ahead as our Professor entered in the classroom he's in the middle of 20's he introduced himself in front the rest of us stand up one by one to introduce their self forward after that we played a little game.