Vol 1 : A mission to solve the misunderstanding ⭐ (R)

Faye went out of the hotel, Denis wanted to go with her, but she refused because she didn't want her acquaintances saw them together.

Of course, Denis was kind of mad. He furrowed his brows. He assumed that Faye was ashamed of him.

Faye strongly denied the assumption, she explained that she didn't want to make the problem complicated.

'He is ... the contract has ended too.'

Faye drove her car at moderate speed through Manhattan's busy streets and was stuck in the traffic jam that is so usual for her, guilt swept over her again.

They fought.

Faye should have been happy because there is a possibility that Denis will hate her and won't try to contact her again. And that the event last night was just for the sake of having fun, but her heart said different things.

Maybe because Denis is a good man yet sly with his way of flirting.

Faye shook her head to get rid of the weird feeling.

Before getting in the car, Faye made sure to call her Mom and asked about her whereabouts.

Claudia said she was in Faye's workplace. She wanted to see how far the new restaurant preparation progressed.

Faye was a little bit worried because Claudia brought some of her business partner there. She hoped her mom didn't say anything about her and Denis.

It would be bad if her Mom talked about that to her friends.

'Last bet.'

Faye arrived at the parking lot of the restaurant at the back of the building. From the outside, several people can be seen working inside. She immediately went inside to find Claudia in her room, but mom wasn't there, then she turned to the kitchen, she wasn't there either. Only some workers who were wearing uniforms were there, which means there is only one possibility. She might be on the upstairs part of the restaurant.

Faye feet, wrapped with the red heels from last night, climbed up the stairs, and she met Mia, who was about to go downstairs.

"Oh! Hi, Fay," Mia said warmly, "how about Mr. De—hmp!"

Faye immediately covered Mia's mouth before she finished mentioning Denis's name.

"This is a secret," whispered Faye in her ear and then released her hand from Mia's lips, "Is my Mama upstairs?"

Mia nodded, "Your mother looks very excited this morning."

Faye pressed her palm against her forehead; of course, she was excited. Her mom thought that her daughter was proposed to by someone she has known for one night, "Can you accompany me, Mia?"

"Why? What's the matter?"

"You will see later," said Faye. She didn't want her workers to hear about this proposal matter here. She wanted them to focus on the grand opening later at night.

"All right," said Mia.

Faye continued her steps, and sure enough, she could find her mother upstairs.

Claudia was chatting with her business partners, who seemed to just arrive looking from the table with only cups on it.

Claudia noticed her daughter's presence. She waved her hand, excitedly, "Ah ... this is the star, the one that was being proposed~"

Everyone was shocked to hear Claudia's words. Even Mia, who was standing next to Faye, had her mouth wide open from the shock.

Usually, Faye would laugh at Mia's expression. Still, since it was related to her, that expression turned into a scary one.

That's it.

It's the end of Faye.

Faye quickly approached her Mom, who was still waving her hand, "Mama, why do you say that in front of your business part—"

"I wanted to keep it secret until the opening, but after I see my daughter's happy face, I couldn't stop myself from spilling it~" said Claudia lovingly.

Faye rolled her eyes.

Happy? Huh! There is only an expression of trouble because of this misunderstanding.

Denis also acted as usual when Faye told him about this problem. He shrugged off the problem. He didn't want to interfere with the excuse of having an important matter that he couldn't miss.

Faye didn't believe it. She thought Denis would find a new Sugar Mama because he didn't want to renew the contract.

Denis confidently whispered seductively into Faye's ear, "You'll come back to me, honey~"

Faye ignored that by leaving the room.

"Mom, you got the wrong idea, Me and Denis—" Faye tried to explain.

"Denis?!" yelled Mia in shock, and she froze again.

"So your husband's name is Denis!? That's a nice name," said Claudia as her eyes searched behind Faye, hoping to see the sight of the man who succeeded in taming Faye's strong principle, "so where is he ...?"

'He's looking for a new Sugar Mama.'

If Faye said that out loud, certainly her reputation will be damaged in front of her business partner, "He is with his friends—" Faye quickly covered her own mouth.

Why did she answer her mom's question? This somehow came out as an agreement that she is indeed engaged.

"Congratulations then to you, Claudia," said one of Claudia's co-workers, "you can have a son in your family at last."

"To be precise, grandson," Claudia said, which made Faye cough unconsciously at the thought of her son and Denis. She looked at Faye with a glint of happiness that had not been seen for a long time, "Come on, sit down Fay, I want to see your ring one more time; make sure Mama is not dreaming."

Faye facepalmed. She should be the one saying that. Is it a dream? If so, please wake the poor Faye up.

"Faye," Claudia called in a slightly high tone.

"E-uh, yes." Again, Faye obeyed.

What's wrong with her? Is the effect of alcohol still there? After all, it's already happened. So, Faye sat down and held her hand out so that her mother and co-workers could see the ring.

"Wow, these are diamonds."

"Your husband really has good taste."

"It's gorgeous."

"Congratulations, Faye."

Faye, who heard the praises about Denis or the ring, could only curse mentally. They didn't even notice that the ring was loose on her ring finger. They can't see where it's wrong. They were too fascinated by the diamond, "Wait, I understand Mama is happy, but how could you think that I am married to Denis?"

Claudia laughed while patting Faye's shoulder quite hard, as if she was punishing her for thinking that her mom has such a weird thought about her, "Hohoho ... obviously, I know. Denis also wears a ring on his finger."

Faye forgot about the ring pair.

"You also used to say that if you don't want to celebrate your wedding, you just want to register the marriage in the Court? So Mama drew that conclusion, Fay," Claudia said casually.

Faye laughed awkwardly.

How can Faye forget her marriage motto? And now she hated the fact that she said that.

"Or do you want it celebrated? Mama will prepare it~" Claudia suggested cheerfully.

"No, Mama," said Faye quickly.

Who wants to marry Denis?

Denis doesn't necessarily want to remember what he said this morning.




Faye fixed her clothes to make sure everything was perfect. She glanced at Denis, who was still sitting.

Denis realized that Faye was looking at her intensely, so he approached her and hugged the woman's body, then he lifted her chin up to meet each other eyes.

"What?" asked Faye trying to be as calm as possible even though her heart started beating faster than usual.

"Chu~? Good morning kiss~? Goodbye kiss~?" asked Denis teasingly, pointing his natural pink lips.

Faye immediately pushed Denis away from him, "Your contract is finished, sir."

Denis chuckled and sat on the bed.

"You know, I was thinking about why do you choose to be Sugar Baby? You've graduated. Are you not thinking of getting any other job?" asked Faye.

"Honestly, I don't like to be committed, but actually, I just go with the flow. I enjoy everything God has given me. Being a Sugar Baby too. I enjoy it," Denis explained with his deep eyes that were staring into Faye's eyes, "which brought me to meet you, Fay."

Faye did not know why, Denis's last words fascinated her because Denis said it with a serious face as if it was not the usual tease and flirt he would throw at her. She coughed, "All right, then I am going to go."

"Yes ..."

Was this just Faye's feeling or Did Denis sound sad?

Probably it was just Faye's feeling.


End of Flashback


Faye had to get this straight even if she had to drop her pride, "Mama, actually, I have something to say to you."

"What is it, Faye dear~?" Claudia replied with a lovely tone, which made Faye grimace at how much it would break Claudia's heart, but Faye shouldn't stop, reality hurts sometimes, right?

Faye took a deep breath and said, "Denis and I are not married, Mama."

Silent ...

Everyone's eyes widened at Faye's confession.

Faye looked down, not wanting to see Claudia's sad expression, "I'm sorry, Ma, that's the reality. Denis and I are just ordinary friends. He's a Sugar Baby that I rented for a day, so forgive your daughter, Ma?"

Still silence.

Until finally, Faye heard the sound of a chair shifting, followed by Claudia's words, "Faye ..."

"Yes?" Faye said gloomily, but seconds later, she felt a heavy on her shoulder and realized Claudia was hugging her, followed by a gentle blow to the top of her head, "Ouch."

"You are something, huh? Hahaha … how could you be so good at lying! Sugar Baby? Hahahaha … you drink too much that you started to make up stories!" said Claudia while pinching Faye's cheeks.

"But Ma ..." Faye whined, amazed that Claudia could think that her serious words were just a joke.

"Mia, please take Faye downstairs, give her lots of water if you need to, so that she will come back to reality," Claudia ordered coldly, pushing Faye's back to Mia, who had been petrified in her place, "I'm sorry, my daughter's like that, she likes to ramble when she drinks all night."

"Mama!" called Faye frustrated, but Claudia only waved her hand and told her not to join. She sighed hopelessly.

If Claudia didn't want to talk, it means that she was angry.

"Come on, Mia."

Mia was still petrified with her jaw drop.

Faye rolled her eyes at the shock Mia felt. How poor her friend is. She hooked their arms and led Mia down the stairs, "Come on!"


They are outside Faye's restaurant right now because Claudia said she would take care of the restaurant so Faye can clear her mind.

What a good mama.

"So ... you married Denis!?" Mia exclaimed after recovering from her shock before her eyes glanced mischievously, "Is Denis so good in bed that you want to marry him straight away~?"

"Not you either ..." this marriage things had already given her a big headache, Faye didn't want to be teased by Mia too.

"I need an explanation, please!" Mia said excitedly, curious about what happened with Faye and Denis's date.

"I would, but not here; what about we go to the restaurant next door?" Faye offered, and Mia happily nodded. She walked into the restaurant next door languidly before she accidentally saw a familiar figure walking not far from her, "Denis!?"

Mia immediately looked at the direction Faye was looking for, "Does your husband have a sixth sense? How could he find out about your new restaurant?"

Faye didn't care instead she hid behind Mia's body, "Don't let him see me," she said, still looking at Denis, who was standing under the traffic light, "It seemed like he is waiting for someone, right?"

Mia nodded.

Second later, when the traffic light turned green for the pedestrian, Denis didn't cross the road. He only waved his hand at something. Faye's eyes automatically follow the direction of Denis's hand, and she was surprised to see a beautiful young woman with brown hair waving her hand brightly, when she arrived in front of Denis, the woman hugged Denis tightly.

"Oh ..." Mia couldn't believe what she saw.

Faye clenched her hands unconsciously.

Faye was sure that the woman was Denis's new Sugar Mama. Just look at how comfortable Denis seemed when the woman hugged him. They looked like a couple that hasn't seen each other in a long time. Worse, they entered the restaurant that Faye and Mia were heading to.

"So ... do you still want to eat there?" Mia asked calmly.

Usually, Faye would avoid that, mostly since her contract with Denis has ended, but she discarded her principle this time, "Of course, Mia."

Mia grinned a little at Faye's answer.

Faye furrowed her brows, "Let's take a look at your new Sugar Mama, Mr. Denis."