Vol 1 : Bachelorette's party ⭐ (R)

They both managed to get out with Mia's help, although she didn't like the idea since it might ruin Faye's image. 

When they were far enough from the restaurant, they stopped to discuss their destination. 

"I am going to hang out with my friends, of course," said Denis.

"I definitely can't hang out with your friends," said Faye. It's enough for her to deal with one Denis, she didn't want two or three Denis flirted with her. 

"Then we'll part here, Fay," said Denis casually.

Faye squinted in annoyance. She was willing to give up her pride for Denis but Denis just threw it away? How dare he, then she will also just have fun with herself, "Okay, I'm going to the nightclub."

Denis stopped walking and turned to Faye, "What did you say?"

Faye smirked at how easy it was for her to lure Denis, "I mean, it's my last day of being single so I'm going to have a good time," she paused to think, "maybe hiring some male dancers~"

Denis gasped hearing that, "Oh, no! As your husband, I won't allow you, Fay!" he said, "don't you know that nightclubs have a poor security system? It's dangerous!"

Faye laughed. Denis eyes clearly screamed jealousy yet he tried to cover it up by throwing logical reason, "I went to an elite nightclub. You know the 'Sapphire' club over there? Security is so tight that even employees use fake names for their privacy. I go there when I want to have some fun." she explained calmly. 

"I just heard about that," said Denis, "I still can't allow you to go there. Whatever it is, Fay."

"Honey, you are not my husband yet~" said Faye while giving a cute kiss, "I am going now, there is a handsome men I need to tease~"

Denis quickly ran after her, "I am coming with you!"

"It's not fun if you come, find another place," said Faye coldly.

"Unfortunately you are not my wife yet Fay, I am free to do whatever I want," Denis replied using Faye's words.

Faye clenched her fists angrily to hold herself from hitting Denis, "Don't joke with me, find another place to have fun."

Denis just casually walk away, "I think I heard someone's talking, don't you hear it?" he scoffed. 

It was Faye's turn to chase after Denis, "You are really troublesome!"


In the end, Faye and Denis went to 'Sapphire' club together. It is the most elite nightclub in New York City. They queued up first for security check.

Denis looked amazed, "This is the first time for me to see a very highly secured club like this" he said, "the owner must be a paranoid person," he threw a lame joke in Faye's ear.

"Well, Denis, the owner of this club respects the safety of his visitors even though it means you pay more than other clubs, but it is better to pay more than to lose your life," Faye explained. 

"Take it easy, honey~" said Denis, "I'll protect you~" he promised, but winking seductively, giving Faye a sign that was hard to tell whether it was a joke or not.

That was what Faye meant by not fun, Faye wanted to celebrate her last day of being single, have a bachelor party, but her soon to be husband followed her, what kind of fun was that? Instead of having fun, Denis would disturb the men who will try to tease her. 

"Hm ..." unless Faye rented the VVIP room of the club, she believed that Denis won't be able to afford it. Remembering the fact that Denis went to the restaurant as her Sugar Baby. Her lips smirked slightly.

It was time for them to get checked, Faye showed her ID card and VVIP card to the Club Bodyguard who then checked the authenticity of the items after everything was okay. Then they checked her whole body, with the female bodyguard of course. 

That's what Faye likes about this club, they respect the privacy of women, the lover of the club's owner must be very lucky. 

"I'm with him, Alen," said Faye pointing at Denis who was standing next to her.

Bodyguard named Alen glanced at Denis over Faye's shoulder before nodding.

Faye turned to Denis, "Bye, Honey~" she threw a teasing kiss as she walked. 

"Eh? Fay, wait!" certainly, Denis was trying to run after Faye, but Alen stopped him because he hasn't been checked.

Faye went inside and immediately went upstairs so that Denis wouldn't find her. There were fewer people, most of them are artists or businessmen. There were also famous singers in the club, they sang only for the VVIP of course. 

But today is not her lucky day, there are no singers, so the visitors were singing in turn. Sometimes it would hurt Faye's ears, because they don't know how to sing, but she doesn't say anything because they have the right to have fun, this isn't her club after all.

Faye ordered her usual drink and remembered that she wants to order a sexy dancer, but she stopped her intention because of Denis. 

"Hm ..." The rhythm of the music slowly changed when one of the visitors started rapping while playing the DJ's tools on the stage. 

That person seemed so skilled that he managed to get people who had been drinking or chatting to start dancing.

Faye sipped her drink again. That person looks familiar for her, also the fact that the person was wearing the same hat that Oliver has—"Oliver's hat!?" she immediately stood up to get a clear look and as surprised to see that it was Denis who was playing the music. 

Faye didn't know that Denis could play music, let alone rap. The most important thing about this is how Denis managed to get into VVIP!? She was sure that Denis wouldn't have bring any money because he was there as her Sugar Baby. 

Unless Denis brought some just to make sure if something happened. Of course he could afford it, Denis worked as Sugar baby, and he must still have the money that was given to him. 

Faye took another drink, her body started to feel light which made her wanted to dance after seeing the other people enjoying the music Denis played. 

"Hm ..." Faye walked to the dance floor, and started dancing with the crowd. At that moment, she felt someone touched her waist. Faye whose intention was to enjoy her single period and was under the influence of the alcohol didn't reject him. 

Unfortunately the music stopped, Denis stepped aside, and someone who might have worked there replaced his position.

Faye stopped dancing too, but the hand on her waist didn't move away, instead the person whispered something that made her nauseous.

"Want to take this somewhere else, babe?"

Faye turned around, she saw a young man with brown hair winking mischievously at her, "Ah ... what to do? I still—" before she could finish her words, a deep voice cut her off. 

"You won't be going anywhere with anyone."

Faye and the young man looked at the voice's direction at the same time, and she rolled her eyes knowing that it was just her Sugar Baby, "Ignore him, he's no one."

"Really~?" The man looked at Faye again seductively.

"I said you wouldn't go anywhere with anyone," said Denis coldly, "Sir, you better leave her, she is married to me, look at our couple rings," he explained, raising Faye's and his hands together, showing their ring to that man.

"You are married!?" The man was in shock, "sorry man, I didn't mean to bother your wife."

Denis nodded, "It's okay, man."

"Alex Enzo." The man introduced himself.

"Denis." Denis also introduced himself.

Faye was shocked to see the two of them shaking each other's hand.

Is this a so-called happy ending?

"It's boring," Faye said and laughed, "it would be more exciting if you guys fight over me, come on! Fight! Fight over me!" she ordered, and then she hiccupped because the alcohol has started to work in her system.

Alex and Denis looked at Faye as if she was a weird woman.

"I think it's time for you to stop drinking, miss," warned Alex.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Faye exclaimed excitedly, ignoring Alex's words, then laughed again followed by hiccups.

"Alex and I aren't going to fight, Fay," said Denis.

Faye rolled her eyes, "So boring~ if you want to get my love, go fight! Every woman wants to see two handsome men fighting over them~"

Alex took a few steps back timidly, "Alright miss, it's positive. Let me excuse myself. Denis, make sure your wife never drinks again," he said before running away downstairs. 

"Woo~ coward~" Faye booed while putting her thumbs down.

Denis sighed, "Look at you, being wasted like this, seems like you are addicted to alcohol, right?"

"I am not," said Faye and laughed at the sight of a lot of Denis in front of her.

"Let's go home," said Denis.

"No! I still want to party," said Faye coldly. She was about to take the glass that somehow looked like they were multiplied on the bar table, unfortunately before she could reach it, Denis took the glass away, "hey!"

"I said go home. Let's go home. Faye Grace," Denis ordered with his cold voice.

Faye's heart got hurt instantly since it was the first time Denis used that cold tone to her, "You're evil, Denis is evil!"

Denis was surprised at Faye's sudden sadness. He immediately stroked Faye's back, "Honey, don't cry, you didn't want to follow what I said, so I had to be stern to you," he said softly, "I'm sorry honey, I was wrong, but let's stop drinking, okay?"

But Faye didn't really hear, Denis's voice sounded so distant, before she blacked out on the next second.
