Vol 1 : Jealous ...? ⭐

Denis laughs not long as Faye's elbows his stomach annoyance, "Fay and I fell in love after a hot night together, the next day we decided to get married~"

Faye rolled her eyes.

Why isn't Faye surprised by Denis's tacky excuses? Ah, yes, because before that Denis acted badly in front of Alex.

"To be honest, Denis who asked me to get married, he said it was so hard to be away from me~ he wanted me for himself~" Faye adds with a loving tone.

How could Faye let Denis have fun alone?

"Fay is right, I asked her to marry me because I just wanted to have her all to myself."

Denis's confession shocked Faye. She looked Denis in the eye with absolutely no ignorance there, but seriousness. Her heartbeat fasts again at Denis's gaze that seemed to see her soul.

There's no way what Faye said is true, right? Denis refused to marry her, so couldn't possibly want to have her.

Faye started to feel her cheeks heating up.

"Wow," Henry looked amazed, "you really fell in love with—uh—"

"Faye, my name is Faye Grace. You can call me Fay," said Faye.

"Nice to meet you, Fay. I'm Henry," Henry said, holding out his right hand to Faye.

Faye accepted it happily, "It's nice to meet you too," she said with a smile on her lips.

Henry smiles too.

But it was only a moment when Denis ended their introductory handshake, holding Faye's hand tightly and even stroking the back of Faye's hand with his thumb as if trying to erase Henry's touch, "I think that's enough," he said coldly before then looked at Faye full of love, "let's eat, honey~"

Faye felt something strange, but removed the thought and nodded approvingly.


Because Denis didn't bring more food so Henry went to buy breakfast himself using his own money.

Denis refused to give, Faye was going to give, but he stopped her.

Denis put a box of rice in front of Faye.

Faye doesn't want to touch that, however, still annoyed with Denis's attitude that keeps her from doing good, "I won't eat until Henry is here."

Denis sighed, "You only know him a few seconds, but you seem to have known Henry longer than me."

Faye rolled her eyes, "Do you know all about manners? Besides, he's your friend naturally I want to know him."

"I'm moving into your house, so there's no need," Denis defended himself.

Faye gave a dry laugh.


Does Denis think Faye doesn't know that he's trying to hide his jealousy at the moment? It was something amazing that she could have had such an effect on Denis.

"You're being childish now. You and him are good friends, how could he be interested in me?" Faye said mockingly, and as she blinks, Denis was already in front of her, staring at her intensely which made her feel shy, "What?"

"Sometimes even good friends can become evil when they are in love, they don't care about friends or foes as long as they can get the people they love especially those who are more wealthy than us."

Faye was silent to hear that.

Denis was so serious said that, but his eyes radiated clear sadness there, have he ever experienced it?

Faye was about to ask, but he put their lips together, silencing whatever was to be said. She tried to end it, but Denis hugged and deepened their kiss.

She can feel just from the kiss how possessive Denis is, trying to forget everything, their fight, just wanting to make her focus on him only.

What should Faye do in a position like this?

She could not move, Denis locked her with a warm hug while the other firm hand held her chin so as not to escape.

Denis continued to move his lips and tongue actively, sucked and stroked Faye's lips in turn, tirelessly trying to provoke her to reply. At the point Faye gave up and slowly closed her eyes and began to reply, that's when Denis's lips softened, not as aggressively as before.

They kissed intensely, tilted their heads a few times in search of something new, explored each other full of lust that was not satisfied with that.

Faye took off their kiss as soon as she felt Denis's hand slip behind her shirt and started caressing her body, causing the fire of passion to get bigger. She gripped Denis's hair holding her moan from coming out.

"I'm back! This time bring some snacks too!" Henry's cheerful voice and the open door forcefully ended their touch, finishing all their physical contact.

Either Faye should be grateful or annoyed to be stopped suddenly like this.

However, Denis doesn't let go of his arms, staring at Faye intensely as if this isn't over yet, only letting go after giving a brief kiss on Faye's red lips.

Faye, who has been limp since the kiss, sits back in the chair, smoothing her hair and clothes that are revealed upwards due to Denis's hungry hands.

Denis did the same thing when he sat down, just tidying up his hair, which was a little messy because Faye's hand was so tight.

Henry came with a big plastic, "Yo!" he said excitedly.

"You took so long," said Denis as calmly as possible.

Faye took a deep breath.

"Sorry, long queue," said Henry, then noticed Denis and Faye alternately, which gave the husband-wife a red blush on both cheeks, a few seconds he tried to think what happened while he was away.

'That face ... Lustful face ...!?'

Henry's eyes were wide open, "don't tell me, you two ..."

"I'm so hungry! You're taking so long! Let's eat!" Faya cut in before things got awkward again.

Henry thought again before finally shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, "You newlyweds, find a place that is more suitable for doing 18 years and over. Don't dirty my kitchen."

Faye's cheeks are growing up to her ears. She picked up chopsticks still wrapped in a white paper, "You give me noodles in the morning? Are you kidding me, Denis?" she didn't like breakfast with noodles at all, thought Denis would buy bread or Indonesian food, it turned out to be ordinary noodles.

"The long queue forced me to buy it," Denis argued quickly.

Faye observes Denis's face intensely, is there any sign of a lie, but nothing, it seems, is really out of a stock menu, "Okay." she took her first bite, and it was surprisingly delicious.

"So? Delicious, honey~?" asked Denis hopefully.

Faye nodded slightly, even the noodles are so addicting!

"Should I pay the Chef over there to cook this every day ...?"

Silent ...

Faye saw Denis and Henry freeze with their mouths open, which embarrassed her. Is the word exaggerated? She just wants to taste it again because the cafe is far from her house.

"Honey, you're overreacting," said Denis after recovering from his shock, "I'll make it for you if you like tom yam noodles so much."

"I'm not sure you can make it look alike, but that's okay," said Faye.

It's more fun to try Denis's cooking anyway.

"Don't worry, Denis will learn directly from the experts, what is not for his beloved wife~?" Henry teased, patting Denis's shoulder proudly.

Denis choked on being patted by Henry. He hit his chest to launch the noodles that were stuck in his throat, Faye immediately handed a glass to him, without thinking about taking the offer and drinking it, "You! I almost will spit my food in Fay's face!"

"Sorry, bro," Henry said, regretfully scratching his blushing cheek.


Faye laughs seeing their fight, happy that they are back to normal. Seeing them also made her want to have siblings considering she was an only child.