Vol 1 : Undenieble ⭐


Denis has always been an expert at reversing the word about this, too good at Faye.

How could Faye answer without embarrassing herself? Because it was true that her body enjoyed Denis's touch and admitted that he knew how to satisfy her.

Faye coughed, "You, I will cut your salary if you do what you want," she threatened sharply.

Denis wasn't bothered at all, "I told you, didn't I? I don't really care about money."

"What would you be without money?" Faye asked in amazement, "you unemployed!"

Denis got closer to Faye and made the woman look away, afraid she will get another kiss.

"I have another way to get it, Fay~" Denis whispered in Faye's ear which ended in a soft bite on the earlobe that had the silver moon symbol on it.

Faye did not respond, his warm breath and voice were so intoxicating. Before she realized what was happening, their lips were back together harmoniously. She tried to fight back by trying to close her lips tightly, but Denis found another way to put his hand into her shirt, squeezed her chest gently which got a small moan out of her.

Denis didn't waste this opportunity by quickly inserting his hot tongue into Faye's mouth, playing, and exploring with passion.

Faye doesn't move.

'Does this include force?'

But Denis's lips and hands are so intoxicating, reminding Faye once again that he knows what it does to immerse her into a wave of lust, just as it is now. She was unable to hold back and closed her eyes slowly, returning the hot kiss following the rhythm that Denis created while her hand touched wildly to the long neck moving down to the solid back before finally stopping at Denis's chest—

Drrt! Drrt! Drrt!

Faye's cell phone rang which made their entire hot atmosphere instantly fade, without being ordered, Denis stepped aside so she could take her cellphone which was in her jeans. Faye saw Claudia's name on her cellphone screen, "Hello, Ma? What's wrong?"

"Fay, Mama heard you didn't come to work? Are you with Denis?" Claudia asked.

"Yes, I'm with him," said Faye.

"That's great, Mama wants to take you to lunch together~" Claudia said excitedly.

"Eh, but not tonight?"

"Mama wanted to give you a surprise~" Claudia said.

Faye was nervous to hear the word surprise coming out of Claudia's mouth, which always upset her so she wasn't sure this was any good. However, it is not good to refuse to parents, "Okay, I'll go."

"Mama, send the address in the message, okay?"

"Hm," Faye said briefly to which Claudia ended their call.

"What did your Mama say? I heard her say my name," said Denis nervously.

"Mama invited us to lunch," said Faye, who a second later her cellphone rang again. She checked which contained the address of a cafe near her house.

"Only your Mama, Fay?" asked Denis.

Faye thought for a moment, "Mama didn't say she would bring someone else so yes, just her."

Denis breathed a sigh of relief.

Faye grinned widely at Denis's behavior, "What's wrong with you? Earlier you said you would face problems together, but after the call from my Mama, your guts shrank," she sarcastically said, "You are so brave with me, how can you not be brave with my mother?"

"You and your mother are different, Fay," said Denis calmly, "I don't really know about your mother."

"Technically, you don't know me either," said Faye, "and I don't know you that much either."

"Trust me, I know you better than you think, honey~" said Denis teasingly, "I quickly memorize something I like~"

Faye was surprised to hear that, her cheeks quickly heated up again, shyly.

Just now Denis said he liked her. Did Denis not realize that he was expressing his feelings, not just flirting?

"Like lipstick, you like to wear red lipstick, you always carry it in your bag," said Denis, resting his chin thinking, "when you're nervous, you always scratch your arm."

Faye did not know that Denis could memorize such a small thing, she was honored to hear it, but what the next he said made her heart fall instantly.

"And don't forget I know which part makes you passionate! For example, clit—"

"Stop it, silly," Faye cut in with a blush on her cheeks full of anger as she covered Denis's mouth in annoyance. Given this, Denis is certainly nothing surprising.

Why did Faye hire Denis anyway? Ah, Mia.

After that Faye ordered to immediately change clothes that were tidier.

Denis obeyed, not intending to flirt again.


Because the cafe is quite close to the house, Faye suggests walking at once so that Denis doesn't do anything strange to her. It was enough when they changed their clothes earlier.

Denis teased Faye again by showing off his muscular body filled with the bathwater, going to her room to just show it.

'I can't believe him.'

The road was busy as usual, not too crowded to the point of having to jostle.

Faye wonders why Claudia doesn't want to meet at the restaurant, apart from saving money, the view at her old restaurant is good because it has three floors, the top is made of many plants to make it look beautiful.

Claudia might want a new atmosphere.

Faye felt Denis put his arm around her shoulder which quickly refused, but the stronger she rebelled the tighter Denis's arm held until his lips touched her cheek, "You always take chances, don't you?"

Denis showed off his grin, "Who knows if your mother is on the road, don't let her be suspicious because we are not intimate~"

Faye rolled her eyes.

Denis just wanted to be close, not really about whether Claudia found out.

"You are just a contract husband, but have a lot of wants," said Faye coldly.

"It's okay being fake husbands too," said Denis, hugging Faye's body tighter.

"Lower your voice!" scolded Faye.

Denis's voice is so loud, what if someone hears? Especially near Faye's workplace.


Faye froze at a familiar voice in her ears, her eyes turned forward to see a man she knew standing two meters away from her, "James."