Vol 1 : Without You, Mia

Faye tries to help out in the kitchen because Mia, who originally intended to work, instead canceled because of their argument. She has a hard time because being a Sous Chef is not her job, and finally Oliver asks her to stop helping so they don't get complaints from customers.

Faye decided to check out the work of the chefs who were focused as usual, but there was no expression on their faces, their eyes were hollow. She was encouraging and asked them to put their feelings aside, asking them to work professionally as usual. Her words hurt herself after she finished speaking.

Her words reminded her of how much she had lost Mia, realizing how vital Mia's position is now, both inside and outside of work.

But her words became the spirit of the other chefs, they started chatting as usual as if nothing had happened.

Faye is happy to be able to help even if it's a small thing.