Vol 1 : Current Situation

"No," Oliver said, still busy putting fruit in his refrigerator.

"Hm," Maybe it's just her feeling? But she was sure someone was following them earlier.

"You want to start contacting them?" Oliver asked.

"Yes," Mia replied, "but after I help you cook."

"What? No need," said Oliver refusing, "I just need to warm up the chicken wings we bought briefly."

"Okay," said Mia, "what would you like to drink then?"

"Anything is good," Oliver replied.

Mia checks the drinks that are still on the table. She just realized more alcohol than juice or yogurt, "You still haven't changed."

"I try to change every day," said Oliver when he finished putting the chicken wings in the air fryer.

Mia held up one of the cans of beer they bought. "You can say that, but look at the truth," she joked.

"Do you want to call the ladies, or take care of my personal business, Mia?" Oliver asked, "because I don't need your advice right now."