Vol 1 : Trying My Luck

Faye was at a loss for words.

See how deep their relationship is?

As deep as ...

Faye was one hundred percent alert when she saw a grin appear on his lips. She knew what it meant by 'deepen' as he said, "I don't want to," she said firmly, pushing Denis from on top of her, "I already told you. Are you pretending to forget or what?"

Denis didn't fight Faye back, he let her be because this only distracts her. If she wants, then he happily continues his touch, "Aww ... we just expressed love for each other."

"Like," Faye emphasized firmly, "like and love are different, Denis."

Denis knew she would say that. Then, he approached the mirror, looked at his smooth face with a thin mustache under his nose, "Hm ... still handsome ..." he praised himself confidently, then turned to look at her, "You're sure you just 'like' me, Fay?"

Faye couldn't help but chuckle at that, "You're so narcissistic, aren't you?"