Vol 1 : Lying or Not, Honey~?

'I remember Mia saying that porridge depends on the amount of water, the more it is, the less thick it becomes.'

How much water should she put in? She had cooked porridge once, but only once, that too was a long time. She doesn't remember how much water to put in!

Faye cannot ask Mia because they are still in a 'broken' friendship condition.

Claudia's face, her mother suddenly appeared.

'Mama must know this.'

Faye took out her cellphone and pressed the call button to her mother's number.

[Fay~ good morning baby~ you don't usually call~]

"Ma, I want to ask. How good is the amount of good porridge?" Faye asked worriedly.

[Porridge? How much did you make, Fay? For who?]

"Only Denis, Ma. He's sick," said Faye bluntly. It hurts to be exact.

[Oh! How is he doing now? What is he really sick about, Fay!?]

'Very healthy. He was running around like a horse earlier.'

How could Faye say that?