Vol 1 : In Her Heart

Faye is still a little doubtful. Should she say it? What if Denis laughs at her? What bothers her little things after all.

Hurt her pride.

"I'm not sure," Faye muttered, "I'd better call Mr Rudy first."

"Fay," Denis was a little disappointed she preferred to avoid him. He couldn't possibly let that happen, he knew she wouldn't focus on working if the problem on her mind wasn't resolved, "It's okay. Tell me, Fay."

"Promise?" Faye mutters, says what's on her mind.

"What promise, Fay?" Denis asked softly.

"You promised not to laugh," Faye said louder.

Denis thought for a moment.

Is Faye's problem too funny? Until they have to promise?

Denis increasingly curious, "Okay, I promise."

Faye took a deep breath, "I ..." She paused to take another breath as she felt her cheeks get hot. It's hard to say without feeling embarrassed, "I envy you so quickly get along with my employees ..."