Vol 1 : Reunion

Faye coughed to wake him up.

Denis gasped, then coughed too.

'Focus, Denis! Focus!'

Denis slowly stepped closer to his father who was silent as if waiting for him. He was getting more and more nervous and feelings of guilt began to fill his heart again with every step he walked toward his father whom he had not seen for more than three years, "Papa ..."

"Denis," Rudy called back with an expression that was hard to read.

Denis stopped right in front of his father, he was speechless, only his eyes remained on his father's tired eyes and black eye bags, "I ..." he trying to open the topic of conversation, but end up closed his mouth because his feelings were really mixed.

Proud. Sad. And regret.

"I see you're fine," Rudy finally spoke after a long silence. He understood that Denis was now in a dilemma. He glanced at Faye who was beside his son, "Faye, is that right? Thank you for taking care of my son."