
I searched for Austin everywhere, but I couldn't find him. Grabbing the hem of my long billowing dress, I moved in random directions. He might be at the stalls stuffing appetizing delicacies. I looked for him there, but it was futile. I had already searched all the possible places, corners, stalls, and entries in the splendorous hall of the grand wedding, but he was nowhere. My mom summoned me and began introducing me to her friends. But my mind was somewhere else.

Where he could have gone. I saw him a few minutes ago, but now he just vanished in thin air. I excused myself from the guests, though my mom didn't want me to leave. But I surely needed to find him. I made an apologetic face to mom and left.

 I crossed the aisle, took a turn to the right, and passed through the corridor of green rooms. I reached outdoors and walked towards the pool area. Chairs were scattered surrounding the pool. Bright fairy lights spiraled the branches and trunk of trees and also the railings of the staircase. Beautiful hanging lights dropped from various furnishings. Pillars covered with vibrant exquisite flowers filled the place with ravishing fragrance. I inhaled, taking the refreshing air in.

I looked at the other far end of the pool still holding up my dress to prevent it from touching the floor and I saw a silhouette on the chair. I walked in its direction. I was getting closer to it as each second passed. I could hear the sound of my heart-thumping as I stood just behind it. 

Facing towards the fence, sitting on that chair, was Austin. I placed my hand on his shoulder. A low whisper came out from me as my lips parted to say "Austin".

He turned to look up at me. His lips curled up in a smile the moment he saw me. He took my hand which was placed on his shoulder and stood up facing towards me. He stared into my eyes like he is search for something in them, keeping his smile constant. We both stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Then I hugged him quickly taking a sigh of relief. 

I pulled myself back and forcefully said "Where were you, I have been looking for you everywhere. How you could be so negligent?".

"Valerie, can you hear the beats of music in the background. Let's dance". Austin said wriggling his fingers in a wavy motion. 

"Ohh Goodness, you won't change. Since you are insisting, I would dance with you". I replied blithely.

He took my hand and placed it upon his shoulder while holding the other one in his. And placed his other hand on my back. We swung together to the tunes in the background happily staring into each other eyes. We didn't say anything,  just kept dancing and living the moment blissfully. 

"Valerie, what the hell are you doing here with him? Are you serious?" My mom shouted from a distance ferociously.

We both pulled back immediately, intimidated by her.

I woke up to the alarming voice of my mom ringing in my ears. I held my face in hands visualizing all the events that occurred in my dream. I was appalled at the thought that, this boy, Austin, even managed to enter my head. I hugged and danced with him, seriously? What kind of a peculiar dream it was? Does this boy affect me this much? How could I let him inside me?

I have been thinking a lot about Austin lately. I never imagined his influence on me would become this strong and captivating. Every day I hold the phone in my hands in hope of receiving a text from him. We have been just chatting for a couple of weeks and I am already falling into his clutches. His words have an impact that could sway any girl. But I am not gonna fall into his trap. I am a strongwilled girl and I have other imperative issues in my life to focus upon than dreaming about some random boy. My thoughts cannot be persuaded by anybody, especially a boy.

I tucked the strand of my messy hairs behind my ear and got down from the bed to get ready for college. I wore a crop top with black skinny jeans and left my medium length black hairs open.

All my lectures were canceled that day since all the staff was busy working on some workshop. None of my friends had arrived so I called Yule to ask when he would come. He told me, it would take him some time.

I walked to the library to wait for Yule. I sat on a bench outside the library. I was shifting my bag when I saw Austin climbing up the stairs to the library. I fixed my glare at him, hardened my expressions, and improved my posture. He walked up deftly, gave me a quick once-over, and entered the library.

When are we going to interact in person? Or are we only going to keep watching each other from a distance? Somebody would have to take an initiative to talk, but I don't think that's gonna be me.

In the evening, we were chatting again.

"By the way, you can call me 'V', that's what my friends call me". I told Austin.

"Amm, no. I would call you ' Valey'. I won't call you anything by which everyone addresses you. Only I can call you Valey, no one else can". Austin replied.

My heart skipped a beat. He just gave me a nickname. I have got some other too, but he's the only online friend who gave me a nickname. I do mean something to him for sure, or else why would he do that. I couldn't help myself to cease my smile and exhilaration.

 No doubt, we have become great social media friends but still, we haven't talked to each other in person. He does show interest in whatever I say, not like other guys whose sole concern is to impress a girl. The way he expresses himself, the way he talks, his angle of analyzing any situation, his views and every slight particular detail that I have learned about him is just mesmerizing. He's surely got something which makes me crave for him more.

"Well, thanks. I obviously like this new one". I replied.


I almost puked while having my dinner. These hostel chefs, do need to learn how to cook. I mean, how can someone manage to prepare a dish so gross and unflavoured and still call themself a chef proudly. These people certainly need to lower down their vanity. We are paying these guys only to expect a healthy and tasteful meal but no, they don't have any self-realization that their premium cooking skills could adverse our health. 

I was hell pissed. I picked up my phone to text Austin about my sad predicament. 

"Austin, I guess I am going to die. I am done with this".

A few seconds later his message popped.

"Why? What happened? Valerie, are you alright?". I could sense the hint of panic in it.

"These hostel people do not know how to cook. Initially, the food was good. But now it's horrible. They are degrading their quality constantly. The food is so cheap, I can't even swallow it. I can't take this anymore". I blurted out my exasperation.

"Oh God, Valerie. You scared the shit out of me. I got tensed. I thought something obnoxious happened to you".He replied.

"No. You don't get it. This is some serious shit. What if I fall sick. My situation right now is a real bummer". I replied annoyingly.

"Yes. I get that. I have heard from my hosteler friends about the lousy food quality you guys get. Don't get troubled. I can get you homemade food, after all, I am a localite. I can ask my mom to prepare a great meal for you. What do you say?"

"Hmm. That would be okay".


He took a long pause before his next message popped.

"If you would like, we could go out for a luncheon. You could stuff yourself, as much you like. And we could also hang out in some places. What do you say?" He replied.

I was elated. Yes, at last, he asked me out. I have been longing for this. I wanted to know him better for such a long time. Now finally, we would go out and I could learn more about him. I was dancing in my head. What he's like in person? How is his voice? How does he look like from close? 

Oh my goodness, we will finally go out. I was in hysterics at that moment. 

But, I haven't gone out with any boy alone before, with whom I have only chatted. I want to go out with him but, would that be okay. What should I do?

"Hey, Tia. Do you remember Austin? I told you about him, my batchmate. He asked me out. What should I do? Suggest to me. I am in a perplexed state." I asked Tia. She is my roomie and also my best friend.

"Yeah, I remember. You told me that you both have become good friends. I guess you should go out and enjoy your day with him. Sometimes you should think about yourself too, I mean don't think that much. You can give it a try. By the way, you trust him?" Tia said.

"Yes, I do trust him." 

"Then don't give it a second thought. You must go out with him"

"Yes, you are right Tia."

I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Austin.

"Yes. I think that's a great idea".

"Okay. I will text you the time tomorrow." Austin replied.


Hey guys. So this chapter is a bit longer than the previous ones and also interesting. Do tell in comments, how it is.