Chapter 6:

He silently hits a nail into the bleeding man's left arm, his face in a concentrated frown. A loud roar of pain floats through the air of the barely lit room of the large warehouse and resonates through the walls back to the agonized man, the sound of chains shuffling can be heard as struggles and loud crying warms the room.

The man's face is as red as tomato and his vain are popping as he screams loudly, spit and tears falling on the bloody floor. His abuser's dark eyes are cold and emotionless and as the man stared into his eyes he lost more hope of living. 

After putting the nail into his arm Alexander roughly shoves in a black wet cloth into the man's mouth. The sound of the man's scream as the nail penetrated him had given Alexander so much joy. Alexander couldn't pass that off by shutting it down then with the cloth.

As sadistic as it sounds Alexander felt peace when others who have tampered with his integrity felt pain.

The man writhes with pain and his battered bloody body oozes with pure agony. Salty water flows out of his bloodshot eyes down to his big  cheeks as he stares pleadingly at Alexander Thunder. His slumped position on the wooden chair proves he knows nothing can save him from Alexander's wrath but he begs nonetheless, he lets his eyes convey what his mouth can not, he begs the devil himself to have mercy.

Alexander looks at the helpless almost lifeless man with disgust.

"Don't make me seem cold Xavier. I told you, you had three months to pay. Its been three months since Thursday"

Calm and almost serene. The calm before the storm. His voice held not a single emotion, Xavier nods quickly, begging even with his throat fed with a wet dirty rag.

"Two million is a lot, you know?"

Alexander continues menacingly. The beaten man nods again, not wanting to infuriate him more.

"I wish I could let you go though"

Alexander kisses his teeth, maintaining intimidating eye contact,

"But I can't I am sorry"

He leans back. Alexander didn't sound sorry nor empathetic.

"Nothing can save you right now. You are one dead man"

Right at that moment a loud buzz fills the room, Alexander's head snaps towards the direction of the man with the phone. One of his trusted men.

"Sir it's your phone"

One of the statue like men speaks up defending himself before he gets a bullet to the head. Pushing  the phone towards Alexander,

"Whoever the fuck it is isn't important, what's important is this man's really good looking throat. I wonder how it would feel against my knife"

He turns back to his battered victim, the pleasure in his voice was real and evident. The look in his eyes vicious and too animalistic to be humane.

"But sir..."

The man argues, something told him the outcome of not pressing about the phone call would be way worse than his boss's wrath now.

"I said not fucking..."

He growls but is cut off by the man.

"Its flower"

The man rushes with wide eyes as his boss stalks towards him. Alexander stiffens instantly. He stoically stretches out an open arm.

"Hand me the damn phone then"

He grabs the phone roughly, sighs and answers.


He questions, he didn't expect her to call him so soon or at all.

"Hi Xander how are you?"

He visibly relaxes at her sweet voice.

"Good, you? Something wrong?"

He asks quickly, his voice carrying a dark edge. Her sonorous laughter relaxes him even further.

"What? No! So I just baked the best cake ever after you inspired me last night. All yours"

He pauses, a small smile crawling to his face making his audience stare openmouthed. Even the battered man didn't dare make a single sound.

"I'd rather not get poisoned today thank you for the offer though"

His voice carries a teasing tone making all the men freeze in shock. They have never seen their boss smile or joke before. A rare sight that was supposed to please them but it scared them.

"You are such an ass. Are you free?"

He eyes wanders towards the bleeding man, then at the guards.

"Always free for you flower"

"Cheesy. Be here in thirty minutes"

"I will make it fifteen"

With that the line goes dead as did his smile. His brows furrow slightly,

"You may leave, I want my money soon"

That line left his men staring at him like he had grown two head.  Alexander Thunder is not known for mercy nor forgiveness, whoever the flower was must be a true gem thought the almost dead man. Alexander roughly pulls out the wet cloth, the man's eyes widens further, he didn't expect to come out alive. He nods vigorously,

"Yes yes thank you sir"

Alexander was already half way out the large doors of the warehouse.


He knocks softly, his heart thudding loudly almost breaking his ribcage and he couldn't tell if it was excitement or fear. Bella called him after last night and he was elated. After he had emotionlessly told her of his job, she had stared at him for a few seconds.

Those few seconds were the longest and most miserable in his life.

Bella Summer Rains had then thrown her head back and laughed loudly almost choking on her spaghetti. Alexander didn't know what to make out of it, that was not the reaction he expected though he didn't know what he expected either.

She thought he was joking and she had only said "yeah right" before continuing her meal with a teasing grin.

Alexander didn't know what to make out of it and had only stared at her and stopped only when she asked him to. She then asked again what his job was and for fear of making her get a totally different reaction he had lied and said real estate. In all honesty Alexander didn't know what people who were into real estate did.

As he knocked and waited Alexander wondered if Bella could hear his heart beat behind the closed door.

"Come innnn"

Her sweet voice calls, he smiles wondering if she knew it was him. The door knob twists in his big arms and he pushes the door open and his eyes land on the spacious living area of the apartment. Her apartment is simple and tasteful. The colors are plainly red and black and the walls are wooden and gives a warm homey feeling to anyone who steps in.

She has pictures down to her as a baby. Alexander didn't find the brunette writer anywhere around and guessed she must be in the kitchen.


She calls from where he assumed she was in. He walks towards a picture of two young teens in pigtails, one blonde and one brunette. They looked so adorable and happy. He quirks a brow at Bella in braces before his pink lips pulls into a small smile.


He answers taking off his jacket which he had changed into in the car, he had changed his whole bloody outfit in the car. He places his grey jacket on the hanger and walks towards the sound of her voice.

He sees Bella Rains hunched over her dining table icing a weirdly shaped blob and he smiles at her adorable appearance. Covered in a green knee length summer dress and her dark long hair pulled into a high ponytail Alexander concludes internally that every color really is her color.

Bella's brows are scrunched up in concentration and her lips are twisted in an adorable pout. Her small arms are steadily icing the thing he assumes is the cake but hopes miraculously that it isn't. The cake admittedly looks worse than he had expected. He is most definitely not putting that thing in his mouth.

Bella looks up at him, her brown eyes lit up and she grins, he paused. Her smile still did things to him and who could blame him she is pure perfection and she didn't know it.

"Hey love"

He settles on leaning on the counter and staring at her master piece.

Please don't be the cake

Alexander puffs out air from his parted lips. Dread is all he feels.

"You know when you told me you couldn't cook I didn't know what you meant till now"

She looks up and glares at him.

"Shut up. I am almost done with the icing I will give you a piece. I wish I could save some for Chloe but I don't think it could stay that long"

He purses his lips.

"I didn't mention I am on a diet?"

She looks up at him sadly,

"Oh sorry. I didn't know. That's fine then"

Alexander's heart drops, he had to eat that cake. Plus it can't be as bad as it looks, right? Right?

"But umm I could take a little piece, to taste it"

He concedes, her beautiful brown eyes lit up as she finishes icing her woobly looking cake.

"Yaaaay. You are gonna love it"

Alexander sighs, regret already coursing through his veins at the sight of the horrible looking cake and the even uglier icing. Talk about icing on a cake.

He takes a sit on the dining table, the chair too little for his big frame. She places a plate of cake in front of him and Alexander wanted to ask if cakes are supposed to be yellowbrown but thought against it. She stands looking at him excitedly and he looks up at her with a forced smile.

"Aren't you having any?"

She shakes her head.

"No I am lactose intolerant. Just wanted to try this for you, to thank you for dinner. If its very good I'd take the rest to the neighbors or something"

He nods picking up his spoon and cutting out a large brownyellow chunk. Alexander Thunder has never been keen on prayers but right now he silently sent a tiny prayer to the heavens hoping the cake doesn't taste half as bad as it looks, he even offered to stay a week without killing a soul.

The cake sits on Alexander's tongue and his eyes widen in horror.

"What the fuck?"

He exclaims standing up hurriedly but pauses as he sees the look of terror on his Flower's face. His heart's pace increased drastically.

Well shit

"What? Its bad?"

Her voice is small and disappointed. Alexander swallows forcefully, the cake almost coming out in form of puke. He smiles after swallowing the spicy salty cake, lots of questions running through his mind like

'did you put in any sugar?'

'Why is it spicy? Who puts pepper in a cake?'

And maybe more questions like

'why does the cake taste like salty spicy vomit'

'did you bake it for two months'

The cake is as dry as a rock.

"Pssh no you say you just baked for the first time? I couldn't guess. What the hell? Its so good"

He sits back down slowly, scrutinizing her facial expressions. Alexander is an expert liar. Bella eyes him suspiciously, before pouting


He nods taking a smaller chunk this time.

"Really. Its so good"

He moans as he swallows to put her mind at ease. He swallows without chewing its more bearable that way. Alexander was taught how to kill a man in fifty different ways without leaving a trace, he was taught to withstand any pain and he was taught never to cry, but as he ate the terrible shit on his plate tears stung his eyes and he blinks rapidly to stop his eyes from turning glossy.

"Shall I get you more?"

He almost choked. Bella mistook his haste to finish his misery for hunger and offered the mafia lord more of her terrible cake. He looks up and blinks at her,

"Umm no. I am so full"

He pushes his empty plate away for emphasis. She nods picking the cake up from the kitchen counter.

"Where are you going?"

"To give this to my neighbors"

Alexander's eyes widen in horror, she can't do that. She'd be sad when they tell her it's horrible

"Wait! No"

He stands up and pulls the cake to himself. Bella's brows furrow, he coughs awkwardly.

"I love the cake. I don't want anyone else to have it, wrap it up I want it "

Bella rolls her eyes and tries to take the cake back but he doesn't let her, she glares.

"That's selfish Xander. Learn to share"

If it were anyone else he'd put a bullet in their head but he never had such a strong urge to protect anyone before not even Ashley but this beautiful innocent princess needed his protection and he'd do anything to protect her.

"No no I really love it. Please?"

She sighs but he saw her walls cracking.

"Oh alright"

She relents, smiling sweetly at him, walking further into the kitchen to wrap up the cake for him. Alexander is taking the cake straight to trash, he'd rather die than put that thing in his mouth again. That was the most horrible thing Alexander ever tasted.



She busies herself with wrapping the cake up.

"Did you use the internet to make that cake?"

She stares at him before letting her eyes fall back on the task at hand. Alexander takes a gulp of the juice Bella offered him earlier while he ate the spicy shit wanting to erase the memory rather than the taste but he could only get one done so far.

"No of course not"


She places the wrapped up cake on the dining table and smiles up at him.

"Because I knew I could do it and I did"

He nods thinking of any nice way to tell the beautiful woman that her cake is the shittiest thing on earth before shit. The smile on her face though deteriorates that sour thought and he changes the topic instead.

"So you used braces huh?"

Her beautiful full cheeks turn red, she looks down playing with a dust of flour on her dress.

"Well I was ugly"

He laughs

"Not what I meant. You were always so adorable"

She snorts walking out the kitchen with Alexander after her. She flops on her red couch.

"You are a smooth talker"

"Not a lot of people would agree"

He mumbles honestly taking a sit beside her with a reasonable distance between them.

"Hmm, that's too bad. Want to watch a movie?"

He shrugs leaning back on the couch the memory of the cake making him shiver involuntarily. For a man who lives in danger that was the scariest thing that ever happened to him.

"Chick flick?"

She says with a wide grin. His eyes widens. More horror. She throws her head back and laughs loudly,

"Kidding. Comedy"

She wasn't asking but he didn't mind. He could sit on comedy though he doesn't remember the last time he watched TV. If he ever did. Even with the scar of horror he ate for lunch today Alexander Thunder couldn't remember the last time he felt so relaxed. So at peace.
