The lady

My name is Khushi Mittal. I saw a broadcast on the television that the police would like to talk to anyone who was near the Victoria Memorial that night," the woman said. Vansh and Kabir had hurried to the Behala Police station when they were informed that a woman had showed up who had information about the night. Vansh was standing in one corner while Krishna and Kabir occupied chairs opposite to the woman.

Vansh looked at Krishna questioningly.

"When things like this happen, we use all media forms to communicate with all possible people who can help," Krishna said. "It is helpful sometimes."

Khushi nodded.

"So what were you doing there?" Kabir asked.

"Heading home. I was there to pick a cab. They are abundant that side," Khushi said matter-of-factly.

"Where do you work?" Kabir asked.

"The Bank of India, on JN Road," The woman replied casually, and Vansh detected that she was telling the truth.

"So you are a?" Kabir asked.

"Senior cashier in the bank," the woman shrugged. Kabir and Vansh exchanged glances. The woman seemed to be legit, actually genuine.

Vansh said for the first time, "So... did you see anyone near the park?"

"The usual... I was actually not exactly in the park... just nearby," the woman replied uncertainly. "There actually was a man... I thought he was following me until he entered a building near the park."

"What did he look like?" Vansh asked.

"Around five feet six, a good physique and he was wearing black, like completely black... shirt, pants, shoes and all," the woman replied.

"All right, so did you hear the shot?" Krishna asked.

"Yes... it completely freaked me out," the woman replied, her tone showing signs of freaking out even as she only thought about the shot.

"What did you do then?" Krishna asked, leaning forward in his chair.

"I ducked and ran, obviously. Hell, everybody did!" The woman said.

All right... so we will contact you if we need anymore information," Krishna said when he interpreted the nod from Vansh that the lady was useless.

The woman walked out of the station with them and took a cab to maybe her office. Vansh, Kabir and Krishna walked to the last's car and started driving to the HQ. "Deduce anything from the woman?" Krishna asked, keeping his hands on the wheel.

"Unless she is the best actor I've ever seen, she's a total dupe. No idea what happened," Kabir said.

"Markande will not be happy," Krishna said. "He was expecting something from the woman."

Vansh sighed and said, "I'm missing something. Something important, but I don't know what."

Kabir looked at him questioningly. Vansh clarified, "Why go near the Memorial at all? There are enough cabs in front of the main road. The woman somehow fits into the equation. We just have to find out how."

"I'll put someone to find out her background and all," Kabir said.

"How?" Krishna questioned, taking a left to enter the HQ.

"I've got sources," Kabir said.

"Legal?" Krishna asked.

"Obviously not," Kabir replied matter-of-factly.

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Krishna thought, wincing.