Chapter 7: Gwen And The Seed Tree

"Wahh sha pak (What the fuck)!" Leila heard her daughter speak on the wifi voice connector.

Although she couldn't understand what her daughter said, she was astonished to hear her shout the moment she woke up.

"I'll go check our daughter, she must be hungry now," Leila said to her husband.

Right now, they were in her husband's office and did the work of her husband. Well, she didn't mind as long as she could help her husband, she would be happy and feel at ease.

"Alright, you can also take a rest. I don't want you to get sick." Claude said in a worried voice.

Leila smiled and walked out. However, when she got to their bedroom, her daughter was missing.

She didn't see the pink butterfly who was in her daughter's bed as she was only looking for her daughter.

She felt anxious and called for the guard who was strolling in the hallway.

They had household maids but never had a nanny for her child. Therefore, she didn't know who to asked where is her daughter!

The mansion went upside down just to looked for Carla who went missing suddenly.

Meanwhile, Carla was dumbstruck as to where she was right now.

She was in a vast field with streams surrounded it. On the other side of the streams was a white fluffy cloud?

She could see a cave on the south side, though she couldn't view suitably how big it is. There were furthermore small waterfalls on the north side that could hear loudly.

The field is full of grasses and one big tree in the middle only and felt empty. Nonetheless, she was astonished to see this beautiful place.

Looking around, since the place was empty, she notices the white fluffy cloud wall that surrounds the place. It made me want to touch it.


She shook her head and went back to reality.

'How did I get here? Where is this place? Did someone kidnap me again? Why does everyone want to kidnap me?!'

She remembered earlier that Lucy ate her doll and she was startled to see that. She asked her why but Lucy only tilted her head and asked, "Didn't you treasure the doll?"

Looking at Carla who was confused, Lucy told her she would show it to her. And Lucy immediately ate her too!

The next thing that happened, she was here and in front of her was a blue butterfly that looked like Lucy.

"Ho, ahh wu (Who, are you)?" Carla asked.

Even though she couldn't speak properly, the blue butterfly understood her. "I had no name yet. Please give me a name, master."

Hearing her words, Carla hastily picked a random name, "Wen (Gwen)!"

The blue butterfly shimmered and the voice changed to a feminine one. "Thank you, master. How can I help you?"

Carla was tired to speak gibberish with her mouth, hence she spoke in her mind. 'Where are we? Why am I here? How can I get back? I remembered I got eaten by Lucy.'

"I'll explain from the start then, master. Please have the patience for a while." Gwen asked politely.

Carla nodded in her agreement.

"This place is your space. This is the maximum level. The walls are a tough cloud that protects this space from outside harm and nobody could destroy it. You are inside Lucy and me. Lucy could be anything you want, however, your desire drove her to become a space butterfly." Gwen explained.

"Thus, she cannot be morph into anything. However, her magic is still the same. Since she is a space, she can't come inside. Me, on the other hand, is her portal twin. She is the entrance, and I am the exit. We, both, can only be by your side no matter what, from outside or inside the space." Gwen explained thoroughly.

'Desire? What do you mean this is my desire? I don't remember.' Carla asked in her thoughts.

"Earlier, when Lucy awoke, she felt your desire to protect everyone and everything you had. Didn't you treasure your doll? Look behind you, your doll is there. Everything you want can be put in here." Gwen pointed at the doll behind her.

Carla truly treasured this doll as it was given by her mother. She smiled, it seems she can now have a place to hide all her precious things.

Thinking she cursed Lucy, she felt ashamed.

'Alright, this place feels empty. Should I put a lot of things here? If I plant something here, will it grow? Oh, wait, that would be troublesome to me.' Carla commented.

Gwen tilted her antennas, "Master, you can put all the things you want in this space. This place is broad, therefore, even if you put seven mansions, it will fit. And, you see the big tree in the middle?"

Carla hastily nodded.

"It's fruit had different seeds inside. Those seeds are the plants and trees that came from your world. Also, those flowers on that big tree where the pixies lived can help you plant the seeds around and made them grow." Gwen explained in detail.

Gwen smiled at her, "Your desire to survived grew that big tree instantly inside. The day and night depended on the place where Lucy is. They had the same weather from the outside. We thought you needed food and shelter to survived. Is it not?"

Everything feels unreal to Carla, and hearing those made her goosebumps.

She could precisely live here from now on! Wait, speaking of life, does that mean...

'Can I also bring people inside?' She asked.

Gwen answered, "Yes, but, if they hurt you, I would kick them out immediately. We only listen and obey you, only care for you and nobody else."

Carla brightened up. 'Yes! I could bring my mom and younger brother inside! Though, it's not the time yet.'

'Only when it's necessary, after all, living here forever would be burdened to them.'

'There are still important things, such as education, social distance, and such.'

'I couldn't keep them here until they die.'

"Oh and master, I forgot to mention." Gwen pokes her mind back to reality.

"Wah ishit (What is it?)" Carla asked.


Written by KircheLeaf

Cover Designed by CxlxrGreg


~End of Chapter 7~