Chapter 10: Her Treasure Chest

"Master, what should we do with your doll and the new one, stuffed bear?" Gwen butted in.

Carla was stupefied, ' That's right! I came here to keep safe my Bear Bear!'

She looked around, it wasn't a good idea to just let it stayed in an open field. If it rains, it would get wet. After all, the weather here and the outside are the same.

Then, she noticed the cave a little far behind her. "Gwen, is that cave safe?"

"Of course, master. It wouldn't be here if it isn't." Gwen stopped for a moment and think. "Master, if you want, you can put your valuable things inside there. And I'll do my best to arrange it so that when you need them, we would know where to get it without confusion."

Carla agreed, "I thought the same thing. Please help me carry myself to go there and I'll look into it first. That way, I could help you where to put it. Because I might add a few or more in the future."

Carla hugged her doll and Bear Bear as she was carried by Lulu. Lulu morphs into a small car that fits for her. It feels like she was playing 'driving a car'!

The other toys given by her mother was carried by Riri and other enchantrix butterflies.

Gwen led the way.

When they reached the cave, Carla was stunned. The cave was humongous! It's twice the same wide as their mansion!

Gwen said before that even if Carla bring out seven mansions at the space, it was still gonna be fine. That was because even if you put 10 or 20, it still won't fill the space! Two of it would be this cave alone!

They went inside and it made Carla astonished. The veins that stuck in the cave are sparkly that it became a light inside.

There are no spikes, thus it felt safe. Half of the ground is grass, and half are stones. She loved it!

"Gwen, how could we arrange this?" Carla asked in her mind.

"Oh, I forgot to mention last time you visited, master. The leaves in the big tree can morph into any object. You can make them a cabinet or what, master. I can also arrange it for you, so it won't eat your time." Gwen explained.

"Alright, I also need to sleep soon, please prepare it for me. I will see and check your fashion style when I come back here. Please take care of my things, especially that stuffed bear. It's too important for me." Carla replied to her mind.

"Yes, master." Gwen planned to arrange it when her master exited the space. In worried about if her master still needs her. Though she wrote it down in case she forgot.

"Also, about the seeds and planting, I'll come back for it soon. I shouldn't work at night, I easily fall asleep." Carla reminded Gwen, more like herself. Still, Gwen wrote it down.

The space field can wait. Her treasures are much important right now. Thus, the cave became a treasure chest or so-called safe with no door.

Carla yawned and fall asleep. Gwen brought her to the outside world and let Lucy take care of her.

As for the butterflies, they will stay in this space until they were called. It would be confusing and dangerous if there are a lot of butterflies lingering around with Carla.

When Carla slept in her bed, Gwen prepared the cave.


When Carla woke up, her mother was with her. So does Bear Bear. Lucy told her in mind that she brought back the stuffed bear for her mother to see. As to not let her mother be worried.

Lucy was looking for it properly and planned to eat the Bear to keep it safe in case something happens.

Carla felt grateful, Lucy knew what she wanted and Lucy adheres to it. She also noticed that even the butterflies obeyed her, furthermore, they had different personalities. It seems they had the initiative.

'Then, it would be no trouble to me since they can understand such things and can decide on their own in simple matters. That's great!'

"Dear, it's a good thing you woke up now. Let me take you a bath before we eat breakfast. Or do you want milk first?" Leila reached her arms to her.

Carla smiled at her and accepted her embrace, she didn't care which one to do first. It'll be the same anyway.

Leila brought her to her small tub in the bathroom and gave her a warm bath. Then went out to have breakfast after putting on Carla's clothes.

At the table, the family of three eats happily. Carla can now eat soft solid food. Like 'Cerelac', carbohydrate milk for babies.

Leila sometimes fed her, sometimes teach her to use a small plastic spoon made for babies. Carla enjoyed it and still ignoring her father. For her, this is a family of two, excluding Claude.

However, Claude sometimes interrupted the bonding of mother and daughter. Trying to have a gibberish conversation with Carla, it made her furious.

Consequently, she played tricks on him. She threw utensils and food that she reached at him with a cute smile on her face.

She laughed loudly and it made Claude thought she was playing with him.

Though she didn't care what he thinks, Carla only wanted to throw things at this stupid father of hers.

'Why did my mother marry such a fool? I don't think I can marry anyone anymore, love is scary, love is bullshit. Should I help my mom find another husband? '

Behind Carla's smile are these thoughts.

Leila, however, was happy to see a blissful food fight at the dining table. It feels lively. She wished this would last longer.

However, most wishes don't surely come true.

A maid interrupted their 'family bonding' moment. "Madam, Sir, a guest had arrived. Her name is Annalisa Puerto, she claimed to be Madam's friend."

Leila smiled at her, "Yes, she is. I forgot to mention I had a visitor today. Please let her in."


Written by KircheLeaf

Cover Designed by CxlxrGreg


~End of Chapter 10~