Chapter 29: Her Mistress

"Lucy, can the pixies come out of the space?" Carla asked while they continued to strolled around at the secret passageways.

Lucy answered truthfully, "No, Master. Pixies are part of the space. They are like organs in the body parts, the space will fall apart if you do. Though even if you force them, they can't, they'll perish before a single hair could get out."

Carla nodded, "I see. Then, is there a way to clean this long passageway fast?"

"Oh, if that's the case, we can buy a soap cleaner at the Enchantrix village. If you put it in a sealed place, it will clean it fast like a rat running around. It will only stop when there isn't a single space with dirt." Lucy suggested.

Carla tilted her head, "Enchantrix village? Is that where you all came from?"

Lucy shook her head, "No, Master. That place is where the Enchantress rule. Only being invited by the higher-ups can get you in. But, if you are connected to them, like your space, we can probably do trading business with them."

"I see, then let's do that." Carla agreed then asked again, "How about a carpenter? Can you butterflies do that with no problem?"

Lucy nodded, "We can, Master. We are also fast at it if needed."

Carla was thrilled, "Great! Then let's fix and clean the passageway!"

Lucy and everyone nodded and obeyed.

Carla was still a toddler, strolling around in this place with cobwebs around could make her sick.

And she remembered in her past life that there are places that are dangerous to visit. After all, she got wounded before because of it.

"Master, leave it to us! We'll talk to the Nightingales to try and buy their product!" Lulu, who was paying attention to them, said with excitement.

Carla was pleased until she realized, "We don't have money!"

Riri, who was once again sleeping at her head, woke up from her Master's exclaimed. "You have, Master. They have different currency, I'm sure the Enchantress left you one."

"Don't worry, Master, we'll deal with it!" Charlotte compromised.

Carla sighed, "Alright, tell me if something happens, okay? Don't force yourself too much."

"Yes, Master!" The butterflies around her declared in unison.

"Hm, let's go back to the room. I'll leave the passageway to you all." Carla announced.

The butterflies brought Carla back to the room. As for the assignment, Charlotte took over the passageway while Gwen handled the trading business.

It only took one week to clean and fixed the passageways.


These past few days, Annalisa found a way to take her vengeance. Isn't Leila treasured her family much?

Then she planned to snitch them all! If not, she can just destroy it by killing them! Either way, it'll completely break Leila's heart!

For Annalisa, their friendship was nothing compared to her past trauma. She had been looking for her all these years, and she's just right under her nose all along!

"Mistress, can you give me some time?" Annalisa asked on the other phone.

Right now, she was talking to her Mistress.

(Note: Master commonly used for men, can be Lord but depend on the situation. Mistress, on the other hand, is the wife or future wife of their Master. If their Master is a woman, then the husband can be called Lord or something they preferred.)

"All you need is get that thing, why do you need time?!" The Mistress yelled at her.

"M-Mistress, I found out who she is," Annalisa shrinks away but still said it.

"Hmm? What do you mean? Is she important?" The Mistress gloated.

Annalisa finds the courage to continue, "She's that kid, Mistress."

The Mistress on the other line didn't speak for a while, until it realized who Annalisa was talking about, "Oh, it seems she's still alive. Then I presume, that thing they wanted, would probably that. The reason why they left, and the only one my family wants."

"I thought this mission is just some minor thing. Guess it's also important, but not that urgent. Tell me, how much time and why do you need it?" She continued.

"An f-few years..." Annalisa softly asked.

But the Mistress still heard it clear, "Years?! It's just a damn thing! Why do you think I would give you that much time?!"

Annalisa hurriedly asked for forgiveness, "Mistress, please quell your anger. Mistress, didn't you also hate her before? This is a chance! I can do what she did back then and take revenge for you."

The Mistress on the other line thought it through. "Not just before, even now I still hate her." She gritted her teeth and pondered, "Alright, what's your plan? Make it short."

Annalisa puffed her chest out and deeply said, "I'm gonna take everything she had then kill her at her lowest."

The Mistress laughed evilly, "Very well! I'll take this side, you take that side! But, you must report to me now and then. My patience isn't that high." She reminded her.

"Yes, Mistress." Annalisa complied. The other line turned off the call.

After that call, she let out a deep sigh then walked out.

Little did she know that from the beginning 'till the end, a little bug kept recording their conversation.

Lulu's ability not only channeling voices but could also record everything Lulu sees and hear. The second level of her power was unlocked.

Everything she recorded will be saved in her memory. When Carla needs to make a copy of it, Lulu's antenna can morph into a cord and connect to any gadgets.

Lulu is certainly a perfect spy.

"Master?" Lulu asked Carla who was watching live using Lulu's channeling magic. While Lulu recording everything, she shared what she sees with everyone, like a live blog on the internet.

Carla was eating cheese flavored popcorn when watching that scene in her room. She learned another thing.

Annalisa isn't the mastermind. There is someone behind her. There is also a high chance it wasn't just one person.

"Keep going, Lulu. You might miss any important thing if you stay there." Carla requested.

"Yes, Master!" Lulu flapped her wings and catch up to Annalisa.


Written by KircheLeaf

Cover Designed by CxlxrGreg


~End of Chapter 29~