Chapter 36: Reincarnated?

"Uwah!" Kai, Carla's younger brother cried for milk. Leila stood up and gave him food. Carla helped her mother up and the maid with them thought Carla was cute with her caring for her mother so much.

They were in Carla's room. Carla begged her parents to share her room with her younger brother. The couple was delighted that Carla accepted and care for her younger brother, however, they were worried as Kai is still a baby.

Carla begged and tried to make a deal with them, saying she'll study hard while taking care of the baby.

The couple didn't agree at first with worries in their eyes. However, Carla compromised. Carla ordered their servant to add one more bed and crib to her room. The bed was for her mother for her to feed Kai at night, Leila didn't need to walk that long.

And when Kai grew up a little, Kai would use that bed and Carla will take care of him when he doesn't need to breastfeed anymore.

Carla also asked for maids to switch shifts to help her babysit. Her ordering around the mansion, couldn't be stopped by the couple, they finally agreed. However, there is a condition.

If something happened to Kai, let the adults handled it instead of her. Carla agreed.

Leila was delighted as she could be both of her children. She didn't know why, but she misses their warmth and was afraid she'll lose them anytime. Thus, hearing Carla's compromised, she accepted her deal and help her out.

Claude, on the other hand, was somewhat displeased. Although he knew that his first son needed to be taken care of, he wanted Leila to be with him at night.

He also suggested letting the kids sleep in the next room beside them or he sleeps in the same bed with Leila in Carla's room.

Carla, of course, knew what was in his mind, and felt disgusted. However, she hid her irritated look and sweetly coaxes him saying he needs rest as he was working as the head of the family. With a child crying at night, it would disturb his 'sleep'.

She also added that her room makes her feel comfortable and doesn't want to go to sleep anywhere else. However, she wanted to be with her younger brother.

She told his father to wait for months for Kai to drink in the bottle and mom can accompany him then. Claude couldn't retort and just agreed with a sour face.

Carla sneered, when Kai knows how to drink milk in the bottle in the future, Annalisa is already here. She won't let her mother be with Claude now that Kai was born. And she'll make use of Annalisa come back to separate her parents.

'Huh! Father wanted to be with Annalisa? Sure! You can have her all! Wanted the key? Dream on!' Carla mocked him on her mind.

Claude went to work at the company while Leila was working at home in her office room so she could feed her son.

Carla was playing alone with Kai while the maid stood outside and waited for her to be needed by the young master.

Carla fiddled Kai's tiny hand while talking to him, "Who's a cute boy? Yes, you are... Kai, I'm gonna protect you and mom this time. I won't let those bitches touch you again. We will escape this time." She said with a solemn look.

Kai whimper like he could understand her. Carla called the maid and asked her why was Kai silently crying, worried, Kai must be in pain, or feeling comfortable. The maid carried Kai in her embrace and comfort him.

Carla was looking at him worriedly why Kai faced her and looked for her voice with a weird expression.


'Where am I? Why is it dark? Mom?! Sis?! Help!' The unknown figure was asking for help in the darkness. He can't feel anything nor know where he is.

'I can't move? What's going on? The last time I remember, I died! Is this hell? Doesn't look like heaven to me.' The unknown figure tried to speak, however, only 'roar' the sound he made.

The unknown figure had been living in the darkness for a long time, not knowing how many years passed by nor still know where he was. He couldn't move, he couldn't explore the darkness. He felt numb and only a roaring sound he could make.

Until, in this deepest loneliness in the dark, a light sucked him and brought him to another darkness, or so he thought.

He could feel something, but at the same time not, he can't see nor hear nor move. Months passed by and even though he still see darkness, he could hear and move slowly.

He hears familiar voices somewhere but still couldn't understand what they were saying as it only echoes through him. However, he didn't know why, but he could feel the emotions they were expressing.

Delighted, worried, and so on. Another month passed by and he was pushed by an unknown force. He saw a light and giants! No, they were humans!

'Did I became a baby?! Did I just got reincarnated?' He thought.

However, his eyes were once again closed, it was only for a blink but he knew what he saw. Though that was the last time he could open his eyes and see, he didn't forget it. Hearing their voices, this time, he could understand them. He really did reincarnate!

After they were discharged, he was brought back home. He was feeling weird. Scared and curious. After what had happened in his past life, he was afraid to be born again with the same path.

Days had passed, he adapted to his new surroundings. The family had familiar yet foreign voices. The number of people and the environment was almost the same as his in the past too.

A family of four, including him. And servants around them.

His sister is nice to him too, more like wanted to spoil him. He felt warm, though he felt weird as his sister's name is also the same as the sister he had in his past life, Carla, their personality is different.

In his past life sister ignored him and didn't care about him, not caring and not protective, unlike the sister he has now. Even so, he missed his past life sister, he was longing for her too and understood her circumstances, he didn't blame her. He wanted to protect her instead.

However, he couldn't as he died before he could even help himself escape from hell.

This time, he has another sister. He wanted to protect her and do the things he couldn't do with his past life sister.

"Who's a good boy? Yes, you are..." His sister fiddles his soft hand, he smiled, "...Kai, I'm gonna protect you and mom this time. I won't let those bitches touch you again. We will escape this time."

His world stopped and he was stunned, did he hear it right? Protect? Escape? Did he got reborn into the past instead of reincarnated?!

And, is his sister, Carla, was also got reborn?


Written by KircheLeaf

Cover Designed by CxlxrGreg


~End of Chapter 36~