Chapter 44: I Only Want To Escape Why Is This Hard?!


"Ahh..." Carla let out a sigh of relief. Technically it's pee.

Carla: -w-

She was outside the house hut and took a leak in the forest. It's better than leaking at her skirt, right?

When her mother asked her about the things she knew, she only told half of the truth.

Such as seeing the cheaters through the secret passageways, found the passageways 'accidentally' as she loves to read books, and found the secret door from her room.

She didn't tell her mother about her Enchantrix abilities and her kidnapping case by the Enchantress. It's not like she thinks they wouldn't believe her but because she was scared of the consequences if she ever tells them.

However, there is one thing she told her mother, she 'found' butterflies with extraordinary ability. Though she didn't tell her anything about their abilities and only told her she didn't 'know' anything else.

The reason why she was peeing right now was that what her mother expressed when she was telling those stories.

Leila smiled slowly and wider every time she spoke. Carla trembled remembering that creepy smile. That smile looked so sweet but her heartfelt scared and she didn't know why!

It's like her senses telling her danger! As a kid, her senses are much more sensitive even though she couldn't understand!

Worried about her younger brother whom she left beside her mother, she instantly wore her underwear after taking a pee.

She ran back to the hut and open the wooden door only to see a mother and son playing in harmony.

Carla blinked, 'Was what happened is a joke to you?'

"Oh, you're back, come here." Leila invited her to sit next to them. "It seems Kai knew some numbers though he still can't talk. Have you been teaching him?"

Carla responded like a robot and nodded her head. Her mind tells her to follow and obey her mother.

Leila combed her daughter's hair using her fingers, "You have been through a lot. Mother was sorry for neglecting you two this much."

"I-it's okay, m-mom didn't know." Carla looked down and let her hair being combed.

"Hmm," Leila stared at her which Carla made lost track of her breathing, Leila held the end of her daughter's hair and asked, "Darling, do you understand the situation our family has?"

"Do you know who is Alicia?"

Carla gulped, "A-Alicia is my half-sister, Auntie Anna, she is Father's mistress. M-mom is... wearing a green hat..."

Leila was stunned! As far as she knew, Carla is just a four-year-old kid yet not only she knew about family relationshits, she also knew idioms like that!

She bursts into laughter, "Hahaha! My daughter certainly is a genius!"

"I-I watched it in some dramas..." Carla slowly looked at her. Instantly, she was dumbfounded as she saw her mother's grin.

'W-why is she grinning?! Ahhh! Does she notice anything?!'

Carla's heart almost stopped working as she saw her mother's smile. It was a wrong move to look at her.

It was just a smile, yet it scares her like hell...

Meanwhile, Kai was playing safe in this situation, 'Lalalalala~ I'm not here, I'm just a baby ~' He bit his under lip and smiled like a fool while he was playing with his mother's clothes.

He didn't cry or shout even his diaper is already wet. He was trembling but control it as he remembered in the animal geographic channel, running away or reacting will make it worse.

He just got reborn, why would his life be at stake already! He only reached one year!

Hence, he pretended to know nothing and acted like a baby especially when it was just him and her mother earlier.

"Carla, my dear, do you think your father is a monster?" Leila stared at Carla as she asked.

She asked this earlier too, and now she asked again. "Y-yes." Carla nodded continuously.

"Hm," Leila cracked her neck as she stopped combing her daughter's hair, Kai and Carla were shocked about the crack sound and made their heart thump stops for a moment. Out of 'habit', Leila made a rhythm sound through her fingernails on the wooden floor.

Every beat, every tap that Leila made, that's how Carla and Kai's heart's thump. Waiting for their execution, is this what it feels like? Even though they are both innocent?

The rhyme stops as Leila's nails stop tapping at last, "I don't like this..."

Carla gulped and Kai held his tears back as he looked down. 'I'm not here...'

"I don't like how she's playing... I can't forgive both of them... Especially that husband of mine. And that fruit they made... Disgusting..." Leila glared in nowhere but her children could feel the sharpness of it as if it pierced through their hearts.

The two didn't say anything and let their mother monologue.

'I only wanted to escape with my mom and brother, why does it feel like I won't be getting that easily?!' Carla complained in her mind.

"Those family must pay..." Leila held her children's hands and stared at Carla, "Don't you think so, my dear?"

"Y---" before Carla could answer, Leila, gripped her hand tightly and looked closer to her palm.

"This..." Leila was stunned to see a mark on her daughter's left hand. She didn't notice this before, more like she didn't care. But now, she noticed not only her scars were gone, but also her sharp senses came back, as if, she was healed back to the way she was before.

"...This mark..." Her smile widens and widens like a lunatic that scares Carla more!

"Mom! It hurts!" She struggled to get her hand back while Kai already got his when their mother focused on hers. 'Condolence, sis...'

Leila's grip loosened but didn't let go of her hand. "I thought this was gone a hundred years ago! I can't believe I was blessed! Hahahahaha!"

"Enchantress blessed a person like me! Hahaha!"

Carla's eyes widened from shock to what she heard. "E-enchantress?"

Leila stopped laughing however her expression stays still and stared back at her which give Carla goosebumps.

"Some say she is a fairy, some say she's a goddess, but we all know..." Leila was excited to tell her children about this that she didn't care if she looks like a lunatic as her wide and eery smile didn't hide her emotion.

"...She's the guardian of our family."



Written by KircheLeaf

Cover Designed by CxlxrGreg


~End of Chapter 44~