Chapter 94: When The Seven Suns Down

What would happen if you took advantage of the people who are always there for you? That would be gone without even saying goodbye? Will you feel lost? Feels something missing in you? Do you even realize what you're missing?

When they lost the people they were reliant on... or who was accustomed to being around them, some people struggled to function.

Claude is most likely one of them...

Claude has only one thought as he stares at a desk for hours, ignoring the people calling his name for minutes... 'Where are my family?'

Annalisa finally succeeds in interrupting his thoughts, "Please, this isn't healthy for you anymore."

Earlier, the policemen returned with word that Leila, together with her children Carla and Kai, were never found on the said vacation resort land. And the police were able to recover a portion of Leila's bag that she had carried with her on the day of the tragedy.