Unfolding Of A New Story…


"Another perfectly normal morning… Hm! I'll try exercising today!"

"Perseus-san… Are you really up for it?"

"I'll try my best to not fall behind."

Well, this is what he said the next day in the morning but… Yes, as you all would expect. He could barely keep up with Kei who hadn't even started to run at her full speed. Perseus was giving it his all just to keep up with her and looking at his condition Kei told him that they can take breaks at the checkpoints which made Perseus overjoyed.

"Good… morning?" says Celestine and then glances at Perseus and says, "Uwah… An undead is being taken for a walk…"

"Good morning, Cele-nee!"

"Kei-chan… I never knew that you could do necromancy?"

"Necro… mancy?"

"Yeah… If you don't know what that is then what is that undead behind you?"

Kei turns around and sees a shrivelled Perseus who looked like he had been deprived of food for a month.

"Hmm…? Who… are you?"

"Kei-chan!!! You said we would stop at the checkpoint!"