The Psychopomp

Even after he had left, Ben checked his body properly, his heart was pounding against his chest causing him to breathe in gasps - that girl almost killed him.

He wondered if that girl knew she was a walking time bomb - well, how would she? She probably couldn't see it since she was human; she wouldn't believe him even if he told her, so he wasn't going to butt into her business.

Moreover, he had sworn to keep off such cases. He pitied any man that took or would take her as a wife - May the heavens have mercy on his soul.

The girl was tethered to a ghost and unless she destroyed the link between them herself, any man that touched her would surely die.

Ben had seen him, his ghostly formed wrapped around her protectively and ready to attack - but his major problem was getting possessed.

He could fight vindictive ghosts off but those tethered ones, it was a hell of a job and one he wouldn't want to experience ever again.

Security was standing guard at his mother's door, Ben couldn't believe he had to confirm his identity before he was granted access into the room.

"Surprising, you still remember you have a mother?" Was the first utterance that welcomed him the moment he stepped into her room.

"Not surprising since the mother forgot she had a son too" Ben retorted and took a seat beside her bedside taking in the appearance of her environment. 

The room was spacious and spoke of wealth with its furnishings; expensive paintings ornate the walls which were glass-paneled from the side. 

It had good lighting, a flat-screen, free and fast internet services, and was lavishly equipped with state of the art medical equipment that if not for the machines connected to her, you'd think she checked into a private deluxe suite - everything was designed to give her the highest level of comfort.

"I've never seen you with a beard," His mom noticed.

Ben's hand instinctively went to his face and rubbed his chin, it wasn't exactly a beard but his features were shaded by a day stubble he had purposely allowed to grow.

"How would you? When was the last time you actually saw me? Nineteen? Twenty? Let's go down memory lane a bit, would you?"

She turned her head away, "I had responsibilities "

Ben snorted," You mean the company?"

"Talking of which, when are you going to stop playing around and occupy your position as the rightful heir?" She questioned him.

"You've been doing great, continue with the good job" He complimented her mockingly.

"I'm not getting any younger, the company needs a hot, young, and innovative brain like yours " 

Ben took a glance at his mother, there were visible wrinkles around her eyes though she tried her best to hide it with cosmetics and spa treatment-but that brilliant glint in her eyes, it hadn't dulled at all.

"Fine, just sell it off if you're bored of the company" he replied nonchalantly.

"When are you going to grow up Ben?!" She hollered at him,

"You know I'm just not cut out for that job - heck, I don't even like it " 

"What is there not to like about it ?!"

"I don't like a job that took my family away from me for years!" He hollered back.

There was a shocked silence, they regarded each other slowly. His childhood has always been marked by the absence of his parents because they were engrossed in their work; they wanted to build an empire, and they finally did.

But now they want to drop that huge burden on his shoulder? No way. He wanted a life of freedom, a life different from working one's ass off every day just so he could sign the paycheck of hundreds of workers at the end of every month. 

"Do you still see your father?" 

Ben stiffened, he gave his mother an indifferent look, "Why do you ask? So he can convince me to carry on the legacy of what he started?"

And yes, his mother knew he could see ghosts because that was partially her doing.

It turns out that mediums are the offspring of a human and a spirit. His father was the spirit who was strong and lucky enough to last long in a human body and her mother knew that yet married him and the rest was history.

Turns out his father came from a poor family who couldn't afford to have three square meals a day. The hardship he passed through made him swear he was going to be successful in life but his dream was short-lived since he died.

But he was determined even as a ghost and successfully made a pact with a human - that would be a story for another day.

The point is his father was a ghost and his mom a human resulting in him being a medium - aka psychopomp personified.

His role was akin to a grim reaper aside from the fact he was human and didn't have to carry a scythe. Come to think of it, his ability was much cooler; he could banish or guide souls to the afterlife.

His only downside was the possession - if only there was a permanent way to ward them off.

"Well sorry to disturb you but father's moved on " He stood to his feet, prepared to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"See you tomorrow " he slowly added, "Mom"


Psychopomp: A spirit, deity, person, etc., who guides the souls of the dead to the afterlife.