Walking Down Memory Lane - 2

There was no doubt, he knew that moment that she had his heart. 

Jasper's heart raced while his eyes widened and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as her kiss lingered on his nose.

As if her kiss had a healing touch, the pain stopped abruptly and was replaced by a fervent need to kiss her attractive lips but he pulled away that very moment, what the hell happened? He must be crazy to think such a thing.

"I'm sorry" Scarlett apologized, "I shouldn't have done such a thing but I just wanted to kiss it better "

"No, there's no problem " he assured her but inwardly: Heck, there's a problem, dumbass! He was having a god-damned erection! How could his world get turned upside down in just a short while?

"Look, I'm really sorry. I'm not usually like this but - "

"I understand, have a goodnight "

"Sure, good night "

But he hardly took a few steps when she shouted after him, "I don't know your name" 

Jasper frowned, she forgot him already? Turning around, he smiled warmly and said, "Jasper"

"Jasper? As in, precious stone?" She questioned him.

He pursed his lips and thought about it "Well, sort of "

"Alright. My name is -"

"I know your name "

" Huh - How did you..? "

" I heard it earlier"

" Oh "

Jasper shook his head, the girl seemed to be forgetful, the police called up both of their names earlier during their dispute while going through their records. He captured hers immediately since it was easy and ran smoothly off his tongue.


They waved at each other for the second time tonight and when he thought of leaving, he did the most outrageous thing.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Huh? " She was surprised.

"I just want to be with you- no, get to know you" he corrected himself hastily, "Hang out with you a bit. That is if you're not busy - or preoccupied - or have a boyfriend or something" He mumbled like an idiot, he wasn't so good at this.

She laughed, "You mean like a date? " 


"Urrr " he scratched the back of his head then slapped his hand on the side of his thigh," Sort of a date, what do you say?"

"I don't have time tomorrow" she blurted.

"Uh - okay? " His face fell, so much for following your heart.

"But I'm single and would love to go on a date with you "

His face lit up like Christmas, " Is that a yes? "

She nodded.

"I'll text you the time and venue," he said in a moment of happiness and skidded away 

"I don't have your number!" She screamed just as he took his leave.

"Don't worry, I have yours! " He shouted back and climbed into the taxi flagged down.

His car would be towed since he had left it in the marketplace and had not parked properly. Jasper never expected all these would happen in one evening, so unbelievable.

So giddy was he with excitement and expectation, that he didn't even feel any pain when the doctor he called over, fixed his nose. Her thoughts filled his head- he was obsessed.

Work the next day was so-so since his eyes kept returning to the wall clock every two seconds to confirm if the time to leave was nigh - and ended up each time disappointed by the slow ticking of the day.

Jasper had sent her the address as promised but couldn't afford to call the girl since he had this feeling all the air would be knocked out of his lungs once he heard her voice.

Gosh, he was behaving like a teenager in love for the first time and though he had crushes, he couldn't boast of a first love.

His life was centered around studying and keeping himself from danger, no much love expertise.

One couldn't imagine the way his blood thrilled once he got off work. He preached hard work and lived by example - which means staying till work was over for the day before leaving.

He hurriedly prepared himself and even sprayed that cologne he despised wearing since its scent drew too much attention.

Jasper took a look at the mirror, he was groomed to perfection; hair perfectly gelled with no strand sticking out of place, shoe polished till they were reflecting, and his clothes with no sign of rumble.

He winked at the mirror, " Perfecto"

Picking his sports car he used once in a blue moon, he drove to his restaurant. He had reserved the entire place for the night, this would be the perfect date ever.

Jasper was an hour early to the date, so he had to battle with the depressing feeling of waiting. But when two hours went by and there was still no sign of her, it turned into disappointment.

He called her line several times which didn't connect while waiting for an hour more in case she was stuck in a tornado induced traffic.

Jasper gripped the bouquet hard and flung it away with anger, she stood him up. 

It was his fault for having hope.