Walking Down Memory Lane-5

"So you met this new guy two days ago and both of you have moved to stage two already?"

Scarlett rolled her eyes exasperatedly, it was her fault for telling Vivian, her sister, about Jasper. But why wouldn't she? 

Both of them were inseparable, Vivian would find out sooner or later. It was better she told her now moreover, they hardly hid secrets from each other.

"What in the world is stage two?" Scarlett asked, annoyed.

Vivian was sweet and all but her pestering can cause even the strongest of men to have a mental breakdown.

Vivian waved at her face, "Hello? Stage one - the first encounter; and stage two - the let's meet and wonder where this leads us "

"You're impossible" She nudged Vivian aside to ground the tomatoes in the blender. 

She and a whole lot of other volunteers were preparing spaghetti pie and were in a hurry since time was against them. 

Once it was seven, people would start flooding in expecting warm food to be served.

It was not just a matter of giving back to society but Scarlett loved the smile on the faces of people as they served them their meal. 

She grew up in a poor family but had the opportunity to eat three square meals a day but these people? Getting one was a big miracle to them and it was an honor serving those less fortunate souls.

"I'm serious here sister," Her younger sister said while working on the cheddar cheese, both of them were sent to help out in the kitchen.

"No pun intended, but what rich guy in his right senses would want a relationship with people like us?" She pointed to her chest.

"Rich guys with a humble upbringing?" She inputted.

"Ugh" Vivian slapped her forehead, "You're so gullible, sister! Trust me, this guy can't be different from the others" She said to Scarlett firmly.

"He just wants your body and once he's done using you, bam! He leaves you " Vivian made an explosion sound with her mouth and emphasized it by fisting her left hand and punched it into her other open palm.

Scarlett sighed, "Never judge a book by its cover, haven't you learned enough of that from our parents"

"Would you two sisters shut the hell up - we don't need to eat your saliva

and hurry up, we're running out of time here " Selina, the head cook yelled at them.

"Alright !" Both chorused and snickered right after she left.

"I swear to God if you get me into Selina's black book, I'm setting your butt on fire "

Vivian acted shocked, "My butt? or you mean the rich boy's butt ?" She wriggled her brows suggestively.

Scarlett shook her head, ignoring her. If she continued to argue with her sister, she'd always be the one at a loss of words.

Thankfully Vivian didn't bother her anymore with her expensive jokes and they worked on the food and were done in no time.

She was just cleaning out the kitchen when one of the volunteers she was friends with, approached her with a strange smile.

"Holler Scarlett, there's this insanely handsome guy at the door who's asking for you "

Her eyes widened, no doubt it was Jasper. She was so engrossed with cleaning up that she forgot her appointment.

"Oh thank you "

She rushed out of the kitchen and into the cafeteria styled hall which was slowly being filled with the guest.

There at the door, as her friend had described, was Jasper looking dashing as ever. 

It seems he made more research cause he was dressed in simple long pants, sleeved shirts, and sneakers - which was a criterion for serving here - but she had no doubt those were expensive as hell.

"You're here," She said and pecked him on both cheeks, a gesture which Jasper had not anticipated on his part since his hands were hung in the air weirdly, apparently he had planned to hug her.

"Yes, I'm here" Jasper let his hand down and put it behind his back, that was awkward. 

"Here, let's go" She took his hands and began to lead him into the shelter.

Scarlett led him into an office which he surmised belongs to whoever was in charge of this organization.

"He's here, Mrs. Lee," Scarlett announced to the woman who was giving orders to the other volunteers.

"Oh, you're here " Her face lit upon seeing her, and flashed Jasper a smile that exposed her teeth which were browning with age.

She was a middle-aged woman who already had wrinkles forming around her face and was quite plumpy possibly as a result of childbirth.

" You're Jasper " She took his hand for a handshake, "Scarlett here told me a lot about you"

"I wonder what she told you, hope it was something good," he joked with her.

"Of course" She laughed, "Scarlett is a good girl and we're so happy to have her helping out around here and you too are a lucky man for having her "

Jasper tensed while a blush stained Scarlett's cheeks, she tactically hid her face.

Mrs. Lee was confused, "Did I say something wrong, aren't you two together?"

Scarlett was the first to answer "No, we are not that kind of together yet" 

"Yeah, we are still getting to know each other " Jasper concurred.

"Then what are you waiting for? You children of nowadays ' she shook her head disapprovingly, "During our own time, we didn't …."

"Alright, this is where we'll be taking our leave" 

Mrs. Lee was still talking when Scarlett grabbed Jasper's hand and dragged him away. Wherever that woman starts her nostalgic tale, there's no stopping.

Once out of the office, Scarlett introduced him to the rest of the volunteers, and the issue of what he was going to do began.

"We're done cooking, he should probably serve " Vivian was the first to suggest.

Scarlett knew why she said that, as someone who grew up in an affluent family Jasper might find it hard to lower his standard and serving food to the poor guests.

Though there was no time to introduce Vivian to Jasper as her sister, the girl gave him a cold reception so far. She was still insistent on Jasper being wrong for her.

"No" Scarlett refused, " I don't want to stress him up on his first day"

"I can -"

"No, let me do the talking" she pressed her finger against his slips, a gesture which made him blush and draw knowing ooh's from her colleagues.

"Why don't he greet the guest at the door" Her friend from earlier who was currently crushing on Jasper suggested.


"He can welcome the guest in with his handsome face and smile after all the eye eats before the mouth," she said.

After much debate, it was decided that Jasper should draw the guests in with his handsome face.