Walking Down Memory Lane - 8

"Thank God you have a spare," Scarlett said as she wiped the stains on Jasper's clothes.

Due to the overwhelming flood of people, he had to abandon his duty as a doorman and help in clearing out the table, washing the dishes, handing out napkins, and assembling take out bags- it was quite hectic.

Scarlett let out a wry smile at the sight, how could a big president of a corporation like him lower his status and do such a menial job.

Unknown to Jasper, that simple action had won Scarlett's admiration and heart.

"There's a male locker room down the hall on the left, you can have a quick shower and change into your clothes, alright?" She directed him.

They were done with their services for today, though some volunteers were still keeping the place tidy, others were good to go.

Vivian who had been keeping a good eye on them came out of her hiding place as soon as Jasper left.

"What now?" Scarlett sighed, rubbing her temple tiredly.

She had already told her sister that this was mission impossible but this busybody wanted to prove her wrong.

"I don't think that guy's a man" Vivian pointed down the direction Jasper just left.

She frowned," What do you mean he's not a man?"

"How can he see this " She referred to her large bust, "And not feel anything?" Vivian asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

Yeah, her sister has a large breast that draws quite an attention- even Scarlett couldn't help but stare at it sometimes.

"He's just not interested, Vivian" She tried to tell her but of course the knucklehead refused to believe her.

"Or maybe, he's not into boobs and more into …..." She faltered, staring down suggestively at Scarlett's backside.

Scarlett rolled her eyes, her sister was impossible. Both sisters had been blessed in diverse places: She at the rear end and Vivian at her chest.

"Vivian Dawn, stop making my private life the source of your amusement" she chided her.

"Fine, whatever..but are you still going to that date?" Her sister queried.

"Yes, and as a matter of fact, I need to go get ready - shower and change out of these sweaty clothes that smell like the food served here"

"Fine, but take this" Her sister foraged around in her half-cut apron before placing a small canister in her palm.

Scarlett raised a brow, "Seriously, Pepper spray?"

She pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulder, "You just met the dude a few days ago, having extra protection in case things go downhill is a smart move"

"Fine, I'll keep that and your .." she looked questioning at the spray in her grasp "Pepper spray in mind, satisfied now?"  

Vivian nodded her head with a smile, at least her sister was fortified from danger walking around with a handsome face.

"Oh by the way" she suddenly remembered.

"What now?" She whined.

"Don't invite him home after your sweet date for tea or coffee or whatever else both of you have in mind. l swear I won't open the door, I don't approve of him - yet " Her sister made her point known.

Vivian was not living with her but at the school hostel, yet she loved spending the weekends and occasional breaks at her place.

"Alright, so can you leave me alone already?" She added, "Please?" She implored her sister, tired of her overprotective measures.

She couldn't help but wonder who was the elder one here.

"Of course" Vivian dropped a light kiss on her cheeks, "Good luck, I sincerely hope things work out for you this time"

Scarlett understood the extra meaning behind her "this time". Everyone in her family knew how unlucky she was with men.

"I'm sure you'd find your lucky guy" Her mom would say, but when?

When was she going to find that guy who doesn't think that dating her is not a threat to his life?

"It hasn't always been like this, have faith my dear" Mother would continue her pep talk.

Yeah, all this started after that accident she couldn't remember. What happened? She had no clue.

To be honest, she wasn't that old, just twenty-four. A time where girls her age was supposedly having fun with their boyfriends and planning for their future cohabitation.

But here she was, doing the contrary - staying away from the opposite sex.

Shifting those issues to the back of her mind, she walked down the corridor, to the right where the women's locker room was situated.

Madam Lee, the soup kitchen program directoress was kind enough to provide a locker room for her volunteers and of course, they ran hot showers for their guests too on specific days.

The locker room had a mix of half-height and full-height lockers where one could keep their items. They had coat hooks on the walls and benches affixed to the floor while the shower area was in a separate adjacent room.

Scarlett was the only one in the shower room which was built communal style and made a mental note to wash up real quick before the others walked in.

She had just lather up her hair and face and reached out for the showerhead to rinse away the suds when she realized the water wasn't streaming anymore.

What the hell...it was running moments ago. 

Scarlett was confused, she didn't know what to do - she had to get help.

But her visibility was quashed.

She felt her way around but it was useless, the bathroom was very spacious.

Trying to make out her way, Scarlett squinted her eyes a bit but soap got into the opened eyes drawing a scream from her lips.

What did she do to deserve this?