Walking Down Memory Lane -11

Jasper could sense that Scarlett was distracted amid their discussion. What could be hogging her mind?

"Hey" he touched her on the shoulder.

"Huh?" That roused her from her thoughts.

"Where's your mind?"

"I'm so sorry" she slapped her forehead and apologized," I just have so much in my head right now.

"Care to share?" He offered a listening ear.

She smiled and shook her head, "No, it's okay. Just some nonsense I haven't taken care of"

Jasper didn't press further, it must be something personal if she doesn't want to open up.

Unknown to him, Scarlett was beginning to waver in mind about their date. She could not take her mind off that incident in the volunteer's lounge.

This was the usual streak: a series of unfortunate incidents happening to her dates. But she didn't want to believe it - no, she wouldn't believe it- Jasper was different!

Scarlett wrapped her arm around Jasper's who was beginning to feel disheartened by her unattentiveness to their date.

"Thank you for earlier"

He was confused at first until he remembered the bathroom episode, "Oh, about that. You don't have to thank me, considering what I saw"

A blush stained her cheeks.

Scarlett laughed nervously to cover up this embarrassing moment, "You probably didn't see much"

"I did see everything," Jasper blurted out, powerless to take back his words.

Her heart skipped a beat, she was stunned and unable to believe that this man who had proved himself to be a perfect gentleman so far would say such a thing. But then, she loved men with a bit of naughtiness in them.

Scarlett stepped closer towards him, not minding the people walking past them, and raised her brow with a smug expression, "And you liked what you saw?"

Jasper gulped, she noticed that and was glad to know it was his turn to get fluttered.

He cleared his throat, "My brain was in shock then so I didn't run a preference scan "  

"Really?" She was amused yet continued coming nearer till their body was pressed together.

Jasper didn't reply to Scarlett and wasn't looking her in the eyes but his face was flushed and she used that opportunity to rub her body against him. Yea, she was a little daredevil, she admits that.

Sweat appeared on his forehead, evidence of the battle he was fighting internally.

"If you didn't have time to study my body as you said, why is your body reacting this way then?" She whispered in his ears, lowered her eyes, and gestured to his arousal.

Jasper quickly pulled her away, his hands resting on her shoulder while he caught his breath - he couldn't take her torture anymore.

"Fine woman, I admit it" he confessed at last, "You're temptation, whether in a dress or not "

Scarlett grinned victoriously, she had defeated his restraint. 

"Let's go then" she hooked her arms around him excitedly and ushered him into the park.

Scarlett found a spot she thought was convenient and a bit private for their meal and discussion. They both sat on the park's spare picnic table.

She set the meal on the table: a soup loaded with legumes and vegetables and green salad with dressing, cheese sandwich, and of course dessert.

"This is delicious" Jasper complimented as soon as he tried out the food.

"I'll take it as a compliment, especially coming from the mouth of a food company owner," she told him.

"No, it's good and the fact it was prepared with love makes it all the tastier" 

"Hmm, you must really know how to cook then"

"Of course " he admitted," I swear to God, taste my food and you'd become addicted - other foods would fall in comparison at once"

She laughed at his joke, "You can't be serious. You're that good, huh?"

"Of course, I make this mean fried crunchy chicken that would make you salivate just on sight, that is if you'd agree to come to my place for a second date"

There was a quick silence as she went over his words. Scarlett would have conceded right away but she wasn't even sure they'd survive tonight.

The moment Jasper saw her bit her lips, he knew her response wasn't going to be optimistic.

"Jasper, I eh -" 

"It's just for a meal, nothing else - a second date. I promise not to try anything funny with you " 

She didn't know what to say, "It's not that I don't want to go out with you but - "

"A meal with me, please" he implored 

His blue eyes bore into hers, captivating her soul and Scarlett didn't even know when she gave in, "Alright then" she agreed finally.

A smile that made her heart race spread across his face. Gosh! She liked this guy but she was scared of getting disappointed.

"Yes!" He rejoiced," I promise you, you're not going to regret it! "  

Jasper was so happy it made her heart ache, would he still have this same expression once he finds out about her?

Nevertheless, they ate their meal while chattering away their time. Until it was dessert time, did he ask, "Why does your sister hate me?" 

"She doesn't hate you, Vivian just doesn't trust you " she clarified.

"Doesn't trust me? I don't remember ever associating with her to earn a first bad impression"

"Not that, " she told him "You're rich and I'm not even half your statue. Who in his right mind would date someone like me?" Scarlett explained.

"Don't say that" Jasper scowled at her disapprovingly, "You're a strong, beautiful woman with a heart of gold. You're compassionate and that's what drew me to you"

Scarlett was stunned, "Wait a minute, you're really serious about me?" she pointed to her chest.

He snorted and tousled her hair," Damn, woman, you're so dense," Jasper stared her in the eyes, "Why do you think I would leave all my responsibilities and ran after you?"

"I thought you just wanted a brief  - "

"You think a lot" he teased her and moved his hand to clasp around her cheek, " I hope this answers you then "

Her heart began to hammer against her chest as Jasper pressed his lips against hers- he was kissing her.

Wait, he was kissing her! No!

Scarlett wanted to push him away. The first time they tried kissing, the outlet sparked, who knew what would happen now?

But Jasper wrapped his arms around her, giving her no space to escape plus the fact her body betrayed her and she found herself kissing him back.

The kiss was not hurried, just slow and gentle as he tasted her sweetly- she tasted like the dessert - chocolate vanilla.

Scarlett had just planned to wrap her hand around his neck and savor this rare chance when she heard a cracking sound. Her eyes popped open and she pulled away from the kiss.

With lightning speed, she tugged him forward and fell out of the seat as they were accompanied by a whooshing drop and loud thump.

Jasper was flabbergasted, one moment he was kissing her and the next she pulled him to the ground - totally not in a romantic way - but he had heard the loud plunge.

Disbelief washed over him when he turned back to realize that a heavy branch from a tree beside them broke off and fell just at that position he was sitting, seconds ago.

Goosebumps climbed his arms.