Mission Impossible

"Yes, I would like for the both of you to meet. Have some discussion and get to know each other properly," Jasper was on a call with the anticipated friend. 

Scarlett was unsure of this arrangement her fiancé was making. Jasper thought it was a good idea for his friend Ben to come over and they all can get to know each other since there was a chance to do so now. Moreover, Jasper was a busy businessman coupled with the wedding preparation, who knows when the opportunity to meet again would arise.

Jasper ended the call with a smile, "Alright, he's coming," he announced to the less cheerful Scarlett. For some reason, she felt she would not like this friend of his.

"What is wrong?" he noticed her dull mood.

"N-no, it's nothing. I was just thinking about something," she lied through her teeth.