Cat Got Your Tongue

Ben was vexed as he drove home and he couldn't even understand why. Why was he so bothered about that woman? Because she would send his friend Jasper to an early grave? Dammit!

How was he going to go about this? Jasper was a lost cause since he was foolishly in love with that woman and he bet no matter what he tells him, his friend Jasper would never change his mind about her. If it wasn't the fact that ghosts couldn't tether nor possess supernatural creatures. He would have sworn the girl was a vixen.

Ben's mind spun with all these thoughts to the point he was offended when his phone roused him. Without looking at the screen, he picked up the call through his wireless earpiece.


"Thank God you answered at last," He heard Noah's relieved voice on the other line 

"What is it?" he asked emotionlessly.