A Meal With The Haughty Madams

Scarlett could feel their hot scrutinizing gaze. Though she had expected that look from them since it was their first time meeting, it still made her uncomfortable; she felt like goods on display in the market.

"Hi, I'm Scarlett. A pleasure to meet you all," she bowed respectably, ignoring their probing stares.

"Amelia, you have a very beautiful daughter-in-law," said one of the women with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She must have undergone several beauty treatments because she looked a lot younger than her age. 

"Thank you, Olivia," Amelia, Jasper's mother flashed a warm smile at her friends. However, Scarlett has studied Amelia long enough to know that the smile wasn't from her heart nor was the compliment from the other woman who she has come to know as Olivia, sincere.