Leave Jasper Alone

Scarlett wanted to seduce him, Ben would have accused the lady of that, but he wasn't that irrational for he had felt the quake too. In fact, he was the person who reached out in the first place to catch her when she staggered over to him out of instinct.

Ben didn't hate Scarlett -why would he even hate the girl? - he just disliked her sly antics and her unwillingness to let his friend Jasper go. 

The girl was smart, beautiful, quick to adapt to situations, and any man would fall head over heels in love with her or simply lust over her because of her ample backside - her bodily shape was beyond this plane. But he, Ben, was not among those men; he wasn't interested. 

First of all, Ben knew better than to cross certain lines. Scarlett was his friend's woman so she was off-limits he wasn't even interested in the first place. Neither was he stupid enough to invite trouble for himself.