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She said it! Her conscience never lied!

"Scarlett," Suzie pouted her lips, reaching for Scarlett's hand again which the girl had withdrawn earlier, "Help a sister out,"

Scarlett felt a headache coming, "Did you even hear a thing I just said? Ben and I are like fire and ice, he doesn't like me,"

"Scarlett, Franklin is not like that, he's the humblest celebrity I've ever seen and you of all people know I'm good at reading people," Suzie claimed, yet she could discern those lovey-dovey looks in her eyes. So much for reading people.

"Suzie, I'm sorry but I really can't help you on this one," She said apologetically

"Why?!" Her best friend whined, "I just can't understand. He's your fiancé's best man hence would do everything to please his friend's wife-to-be. Why can't you both just set your differences apart and help my poor soul," the girl had the urge to pull her hair out of frustration.