Turned Gay-2

Note: do not read this chapter if you're not comfortable with same-sex intimacy.

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Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Ben had kissed Jeremy intending to make him fall for him, assuming that his own heart was platinum protected. However, he forgot one thing, human nature was lustful and their body was designed to respond to stimuli like that.

If only he knew that the disgust he held earlier was dissipating slowly. Perhaps Ben was right in one thing; before the end of this, he might really be turned gay.

Jeremy's mind swam, he had never felt anything like that - it was almost as if he had found the one for him. Sure, he had been intimate with Richard, his boyfriend, a few times but there was something different about this one, it felt supernatural. How could someone set him on fire with just a touch?