
"Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little." — Tom Stoppard

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"Was the world ending?" That was the question in Scarlett's mind as rubbish was hurled at them. Though the man in front of her bore the brunt of the assault, some still splattered on her and her face was currently smudged with flour. What the hell was wrong with these people?

"Leave our Franklin alone!"

"You don't deserve him!"

"Go to prison!"

"Apologize to Emma!"

Those were the words chanted that gave Scarlett a hint of what was going on, the anger inside of her escalated. Those fools! She bet Emma must have done something and those dummies were blindly following her judgment! How could people be so blind?!

"You fools!" Scarlett wanted to confront them but that strange man kept pulling her away.