Teach Him A Lesson

Show me where your love lies - Khalid 

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"As broadcasters, we're supposed to have a broad network and every little help could help however, a rumor began. There's been news circulating in our working place that a certain employee had tried seducing Franklin....." Jeremy paused the video with a grave look on his face. This was the tenth time he has been watching the clip like an OCD patient.

He dropped his phone on the table and took a cigarette from a pack which he and lit, taking a long puff. No one knew he smoked because he hid it perfectly well - it was against his parent's principle. Even without that, Jeremy rarely smoked and only does so when he has a lot to think about like right now. 

The cigarette hanging from his mouth, Jeremy stepped away from the table and walked over to the windowpane, glancing outside while his brain worked.