Declaring War On Him

"Be ambitious for the work and not for the reward." — Michael Morpurgo

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"Tomorrow, Jeremy would be in his finest act of pretense, you shouldn't fall short too since I won't be there to guide you," Claire began her lecture. She was teaching him how to go about tomorrow's "enticement" - if they're calling it that.

Unfortunately, her student, Ben, was more shocked and creeped out with this whole mission of a thing. He was seated on the toilet cover since it was the only excuse he used to escape his manager and camera team still in his room.

At first, he had thought this mission was easy, but now the thought of even doing the barest of grown-up stuff with Jeremy made his skin crawl. Not to mention that if he failed and got caught by Jeremy, he might be on his way to joining Claire in the land of the dead.

"Why are you not coming....?" Ben trailed off when he realized what a stupid question he just asked.