Ben Was Using Him

"It is in our power to do but one thing, and that is not to distort the living voice of life." — Boris Pasternak

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Today was physically and mentally draining for Jeremy. He never knew that receiving condolences was this distressing. After he had made that memorial speech, he couldn't look Ben straight in the eyes.

Honestly, he had spoken too sincerely and he couldn't help but wonder if Franklin had been hurt by his sentiment. As much as they were just lovers - for now - Franklin might have been hurt by it. Yet Jeremy was too cowardly to look back. He'd rather find out later.

"Such a young child," an old woman shook her head sympathetically, "Receive my condolences," she patted him on the back with pity. 

"Thank you," He recognized the woman, she was friends with Anita, Claire's mother.

"It would be hard at first but you'd survive," She told him and left.