Do You Believe In Ghost

"Tell the truth through whichever veil comes to hand, but tell it." — Zadie Smith

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"Hey! Who the fuck are you?! What is your problem?! Let me go!" Scarlett struggled to be free. She suddenly wished all of this was a dream.

One moment she had received a call to come down and check on her car, the next she knew, she lost all consciousness, and the next, she woke up to see herself being tied up in an unfamiliar apartment. She was just contemplating on her next course of action when that strange man who had kidnapped her came in and began to drag her to God knows where.

Though she was scared, Scarlett still thought hard about her situation. What could she have done to be kidnapped? Had she offended anybody? She couldn't exactly tell. 

Altercation in business was inevitable but she was cool with most of her Patrons and the few she wasn't on good terms with, wouldn't go to the far extent of kidnapping her.