He Should Have Known

"You can't be afraid to deal with your demons. You've got to go there to be able to write." — Lucinda Williams

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"You're smiling often these days," Thomas pointed out as Victoria happily typed away on her keyboard.

"Are you indirectly trying to say that I don't smile?" She asked him with a smile that didn't touch her face. 

"Of course not, I'm just saying," He lied through his teeth.

"It seems you're free these days,"

Immediately he heard that statement, Thomas stiffened, suddenly remembering the workload she assigned to him the other day.

"A-hem, it seems I've forgotten something," He quickly made an escape. His partner was a devil.

Victoria smirked, returning her attention to her work. Things were calm at the station for a while, but she knew it was just the calm before the storm. The way a case flares up here, it's unpredictable and completely overwhelmed them; there was no rest.