Save Our Soul

"First-rate fiction lays hands on the reader, to heal him or rough him up or, ideally, to do both." — Ellen Currie

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Ben never thought he would be plunged by guilt as soon as Scarlett left. He should have asked her to stay at his place where she'd be much safer. Although Victoria could keep her safe as well, he'd noticed the animosity between both women- and wasn't ready to address it.

But then, keeping her at his place doesn't seem like the best idea either because, yes, he was attracted to the woman - but that doesn't mean he was in love with his best friend's woman. Well, even if he was, he knew better than to snatch his best friend's fiancée. So it was better to run away from trouble. 

"You're leaving?" Victoria came up to him from behind and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his back. 

"Yeah," He tried to ease out of her embrace but the woman was quite persistent.