Their lives afterward

"When I have a terrible reluctance to go near it...I generally know that something is badly wrong." — Alice Munro

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Two months later...

"Sorry, I'm late. There was a lot of traffic on the way," Scarlett apologized as she took out a seat and sat down.

"I ordered coffee for you," Jasper said to her just as a waiter came to the table with it as if she had been timing Scarlett's arrival.

"Thanks, you're such a sweetheart," Scarlett complimented him as she took the coffee from the tray and took a sip.

"How have you been doing?" Jasper asked her just as she set the cup down on the table.

"I'm fine, obviously," Scarlett boomed a smile at him.

"What about you? How are you doing?" She asked him

"Of course, fine as well," He shrugged with a pulse of lips.

Scarlett frowned

"Don't I look fine?"