WebNovelDemon God19.41%


In the room where simplicity was observed, Desire opened his eyes and lifted his body right after.

Well, he couldn't as he was sleeping in the bucket of water.

He just stood up and went out of the water and gasped for air.

"Haaaa!" However, when he did, he only found that he didn't really lack air in his lungs.

Tilting his head, he observed the room. He saw Jarina standing right in front of him, saying something.

However, he couldn't hear it as it seems the water went inside his ears.

He gestured for Jarina that he couldn't hear her, and it seems she got it as she immediately used magic to clean the water inside Desire's ears.

"Now, can you hear me?" Jarina's voice smoothly flowed to his ears.

Desire nodded his head while asking, "What happened?"

At that moment, a vein popped out in Jarina's forehead, but she didn't speak harshly.

"Well, you collapsed while you were doing your thing. So, what happened?"