WebNovelDemon God59.49%

Heaven's Blue!

Right after his meeting with the Queen, Livier was currently...flying outside the castle.

After all, he only went there because he was called. He didn't have any business there anymore, and that was why it was time to go back to his job.

With a flap of his wings, Livier...as a bird was flying in the air as he kept his eyes wide open.

Although he could go back to his place right away with teleportation magic, he didn't.

After all, Livier wanted to think things through as the order came down from the Queen herself.

He wanted to perfect his duty so that the Queen wouldn't react that way anymore.

However, no matter how much Livier thought about it, there was just no way he and his comrades could solve things right away.

'The Queen is getting too impatient.' Livier thought as he flapped his wings once more.

He knew that the Queen said to not mind the heavens, but that was a tall order even for Livier.