WebNovelDemon God84.81%


"This is Desire, my disciple." Lionel said as he waved his hand towards  Desire, who was sitting in a chair in front of his table.

"My name is Desire." Desire said as he looked at Zero. He then...began to bow his head a little bit as a sign of respect.

After all, even though Desire didn't really care about Zero, Lionel let this man talk to him as if they were equals.

It was only natural for Desire, a disciple of Lionel, to show respect to Zero.

At least, that was how Desire viewed this situation.

"Hmm...even though you already told me before, I still can't believe that you took a disciple in." Zero said as he turned his head left and right as he looked at Desire and Lionel.

Zero continued with his curiosity plastered all over his face, "Although I can understand why this young man could be a disciple of a Conqueror, I still cannot understand why...Lionel, as an individual, took in a disciple after so many years of hating disciples."